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aroma bead ornies help please?!?!?

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Well I made my first ornies today and not sure if I can use them, I know it said to leave them a little bumpy and I accidently left them in the oven to long they look crystal clear, with no bumps are they useable or not?

Thanks so much!!!


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In my experience with them..it's all in what you like. The string should not pull through just because they aren't bumpy...it depends on how thick you actually made the ornies and how close to the edge you put the hole for the string.

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I did extensive testing here in the heat, because the summers can be extreme, especially if you park your car in the sun for long periods. I do. Mine tends to go days without ever opening the doors, sitting in the sun. The less the bumps, the less heat they can take. I've tried different degrees of smoothness as well as different thicknesses. The thicker the are, the heavier they are and that makes the string pull through as well. Smooth ones lasted less than a week here before they folded in half and fell off the string. You never know what kind of situation a customer will put them through so I've tried to do the worst to them. The best and longest lasting are with full bumps and 1/4" or slightly thicker. This is just my testing and experiences.

Ahh, here is one I made smooth...it was a dolphin...lol


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