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Can someone tell me hou long it takes to to bring a soap to trase

and if it dosent what hapens to the soap

I made my frist CP recipe from this board here it is

Olive Oil 45% Water 12.16 Oz

Coconut Oil 25% Lye 4.1

Lard 25%

Castor Oil 5%


Hardines 37

Clean 17

Condi 58

Bubbl 22

Cream lath 25

Iodine 58

INS 153


Please help

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Have you done any reading up on soapmaking before you tried your first batch? Once you have gotten your oils and Lye/water mixture down to the temperatures they need to be to mix (usually between 90 and 100 degrees), you add your lye solution to your oils and stir. I usually stir for the first three to five minutes byt hand to get a feel for the mix.Then I mix with a stick blender on low for about ten seconds at a time. Trace happens as the oils begin to saponify, that is the lye starts doing its job. The mix will start to thicken up a bit, and if you feel your pot on the outside, it will start to heat up a little. Light trace is when it is no longer "watery" but starting to thicken. Medium to heavy trace is when you remove your stick blender and can still see the circle where it was. This is when you pour into your mold. You used Olive oil at a pretty decent amount - olive oil takes a while to trace. I am assuming because you said you just made your first batch, that it is in the mold already. If so, were you maybe wondering about "gel" stage? You really need to be very well informed about the whole procedure before getting into it. Lye can be dangerous as well as destructive - on my first batch, I had too much for my mold and dumped the leftover down the drain. Imagine my surprise a few days later when my cabinet under the sink was flooded because the raw soap had sat there in the drain long enough to eat through our old plumbing. So read read read!!!!Then read some more!!!!!

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I forgot to add that almost nine years later, I am still reading, and I have a decent business going.

Thank you for the reply i have been a member to this board from last october and that is the only thing i did read read read!!!! but reading your

reply i did everything right and by the book so to speak!!! and i did stir

with the stick and by hand for 15 minutes and it was not redy

and i thing i got scare and i panic so i pour to early i like to

find out what hapens now

thanks again

as for the busines i do have one for 20 years and

stil learning

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if it was emulsified when yo poured it will probably turn to soap eventually. if it wasn't then you will have a nice mess on your hands! wear gloves when you clean up.

ETA - high Olive Oil recipes can take a LONG time to trace - 15 minutes is not unbelievable by any means, especially if you started with cool lye/oils.

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Care Bear :) :)

Thanks for the reply it was very helpful now I know My mistake

i left my oils to cool down to low and when i pour it it was like

a medium trace lets hope i have some soap in a few months :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

But at the end this board was very helpful it made me

understane my mistake

thanks again you all :yay: :yay: :yay:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can someone tell me hou long it takes to to bring a soap to trase

and if it dosent what hapens to the soap

I made my frist CP recipe from this board here it is

Olive Oil 45% Water 12.16 Oz

Coconut Oil 25% Lye 4.1

Lard 25%

Castor Oil 5%

That's the same recipe I'm starting with here (smaller batch size though, by the look of it).

My first attempt: Hand stirred for 2 hours before giving up and dumping it.

Back to reading the boards, realized that 1) I didn't have to stir it every second (yay!) and 2) it could take 3 hours or more to trace.

Second attempt: Hand stirred on and off for 3 hours, got trace, poured and created soap!

Third attempt: Bought a stick blender and MAN! did that speed things along!! Same recipe (different fo) got to trace in 10 minutes tops.

That was today, my soap is setting up now and I'm deeply in love with my stick blender :whoohoo:

I can make soap so fast now, I'm going to need to invest in new shelving units for my shower to hold all the bars!!

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it really depends on your recipe, how much water you use and if you use a stick blender. If you use full water, and 50% hard oils to 50% soft oils and use a stick blender, I would say 10min max. Here is a pic of what it looks like when it traces:

before trace:


as it starts to trace:


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