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Bees wax candles

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I have a lot of requests for bees wax candles in conatiners. I understand that pure bees wax in containers is hard to wick and also gets very hot. So the glass would have to be think as well. My question is this. If I did a bees wax blend would it be better to blend it with soy or a paraffin? I still want to be able to call them bees wax candles but dont want to blend in to much so that there is to much of the other wax. What do you think?

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If you are talking about a small amount of another wax (say 5%) you would still have to use too large a wick to be safe in a container and you'd have to call it a beeswax blend, not straight beeswax. 100% beeswax is the same as any pillar type wax, it's meant to be a free standing candle.

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