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Newbie in search of FO's for Soy

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Hi I am a newbie in search of great fo's for all my "testing" ...I have started with soy and like it a lot. I started with just whatever scents I could find...and found out right away that the quality of the fo was just as important as the quality of the soy...lol...wasted a lot of money that way on all my bargains...lol...

I have started reading everything I can get my hands on and found this group to be one of the most helpfull in my seach of great products. Would any of you care to share any of your favorite fo's with me. I have ordered several of the ones the threads. But I have also found I am addicted to the fo's, cant stop at a few...lol...need more:shocked2:

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Yorkie Girl,

"WELCOME" to the board and to your newest addiction:yay: :yay:

Probably the first thing you need to do would be decide what company or companies you wish to purchase your FO's from. There are sooooo many excellent ones out there so have fun with that. Also, alot of the suppliers will say on the website "good with soy"

There are some FO's that just don't throw well in soy so it will mean trial and error. I'm sure everyone you ask will have their opinions as to what is the "best" suppliers. This is really an individual preference with each and every person!

Good luck with your new venture and be prepared to spend lots and lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......:laugh2: :laugh2:

And you are right, this board in absolutely the BEST.

Sure hope I've been of some help?

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You will have to test the FOs for yourself to find what works for you - for example, there might be an FO that one person says throws good in their soy and the next says it wouldn't throw from them. The Fragrance Discussion is a great place to read for some information too. These are some companies that I use or have used that have great FOs:




Green Leaves


Just By Nature


Tennessee Candle Supplies


Good luck and have fun.

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Welcome Yorkie Girl.

My suggestion would be to first, find good suppliers in your part of the US ... shipping can be very expensive. Secondly, buy from suppliers that test their fo's in soy.

Check out this link www.suppliersbystate.com/state-listings.php. There are a ton of suppliers in TX ... and Peaks (www.peakcandlesupplies.com) is in CO.

Hope this helps.

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Welcome :yay: Yes, it is truely addicting. I work with 100% soy, and have found that Justscent.com has some great throwers (if you like sweet bakery, I LOVE the white cake-best seller) also Peaks has been great to me as well. But everyone is right, everyone feels differently about their oils and suppliers. Not to mention wicks. When I first started out I bought a bunch out of the classifieds on here (cheaper than buying a sampler, and cheaper on shipping IMO) Hope you have fun testing bew scents :smiley2:

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Hi. candles are so fun and you've found the best place to look for answers. Fos are expensive and I've learned to pay the extra shipping to first order the samples. It seems shipping is so high that to order the larger quantities is better...but I've gotton some pounds that I didn't like and didn't throw well for me. I second Dirtybirdsoap's idea. The classifieds are a good place to get a lot of samples at a reasonable price. Once you find what you like, you can then order the larger amounts. The sticky at the top of this forum helps too. And do a search and read in the Fragrance Discussion for more ideas. Beth

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Thank you ALL!! I know I will Love this group. I know I am already hooked on the candles. I have been reading the threads, and do find them helpfull. You are all so nice. Thanks for all your in put, and I hope you are having a great holiday!!:smiley2:


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Hi Yorkie,

Wish I would have found this board years ago when I first started out. My best advise for you is keep your eyes peeled on CT 24/7. :) You will gain so much information, it will knock your socks off. Also, if you can afford it, try buying some samples off of the classifieds. This is the best way to test inexpensively. I remember purchasing pounds of oils, to make it worth my while for shipping purposes, only to find, they wouldn't perform in my soy. Wasted so much $$$. Sometimes, there are chandlers giving samples away but you pay the shipping. What a way to test the water before diving in head first. :yay: BTW...Welcome to our Home! :)

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