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How Hot Do Your Tins Get?

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Okay, I've decided to give the 8 oz tins a whirl. I've been using HTPs (double wicked), and while I get a nice steady burn, full melt pool in about 3 hours or so, the tins are getting super hot after about 3 hours or so. Hot enough you wouldn't want to keep your fingers on it . So I guess my question is, "What is acceptable?". I don't sell (yet), but in the waaaaayyy future, I wouldn't want future customers burning their fingers, or having the hot tin ruin the surface it's sitting on. Is it possible to have the tins stay cooler (I worry that if I switch my wicks to a smaller size, I wont' get a FMP)? Any thoughts?



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For me, I am using HTP-104, single wicked. It takes a few hours to burn to the edges, when it starts it tunnels a few millimeters then catches up, so I still get the full burn of all the wax.

ETA: 104's are the average, I've had to wick up and down a step for a couple of testing.

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I've got the wicks fairly close to each other (not to close to the sides of the tin). I could NOT for the life of me get a single wick to work with my wax combo. That being said, I didn't try the 104s. I'm a zinc wicker and have decided to switch to the HTPs (which I LOVE), but I'm still trying to figure them out. Thank you for the suggestions. I like how the double wick looks, and it burns so nicely......but I'll try the 104 and see how it does. Thank you :)

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I've never wicked an 8oz tin but use CD-18's and CD-20's (single wicked) in my 6oz tins with no heat problem. I can easily pick them up without burning my fingers.

Not sure what to tell you but my first thought was that the double wicking is what's causing your heat problem.

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Tart, I had the same problem with the 8 oz sq. tins. No matter how I wicked them they just got too hot for me to feel comfortable giving them out.

The best burn and melt pool I got was using 2 smaller wicks vs.1 large one.

I think the tin absorbs heat faster than glass and will feel hotter at the same temp.

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Thank you guys :) I'm going to attempt the single 104 today, but I'm thinking I just need to bag the tins and stick with jars. I do the 4 oz tins, and they don't seem to get as hot (but they're single wicked with zincs). I re-burned my 8 oz last night and it was just way to hot. Thank you for the cork on the bottom suggestion, that would work. Guess if it doesn't work out, I'll have a ton of wickless for the ol' candle warmer, LOL.

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