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Soy Wax

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Is Soy the best?I hear soy is so much better than paraffin.Someone tell me please.I know my profile says i am a candle maker but thats what i wanna be..I haven't really done any but one so i am by no means a expert lol:grin2:

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You will see MANY opinions on what is the best wax. The bottom line is going to be what is best for YOU.

Soy burns cleaner and is great IF you can deal with the quirks of longer cure time, wicking it, finding out what fragrances will work in your candles, getting the colors you want vs. pastel colors, how much hair you REALLY need vs how much you can pull out, how many gray hairs you don't mind having etc.

I have been using 100% soy until recently because I wanted to see how paraffin would help with my scent throw on those fragrances that were weak in soy.

I am finding parasoy to be the best of both worlds but that is just me. When I don't mind letting them cure, I make up a batch of soy candles and put them back.

When I want to see quicker results and not have to really wick up with the soy, I use the parasoy.

You will learn one word and come to hate it more than any other word.....TESTING TESTING TESTING.....oh did I say TESTING? :laugh2:

Its a challenge, addiction and satisfaction all combined into one. Happy Candle making!!!

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This question is like a which way book because what is good for one someone else may not like. I started with soy then went the other route, now I am back to a different soy then when I started.

I would try small samples of both and see what you prefer. They both have pros and cons.

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I have to agree with Jami....whatever wax you can get to burn, throw and wick is the best wax for you:wink2: I started out with 100% Soy because I thought that was the "Eco" thing to do but after fighting with it for months and not wanting to compromise I switched to Para/Soy blends and found this to be the best choice for me...so the moral of the story is...do what is best for you and your beliefs! :grin2:

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