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Container Ounces Help

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Okay maybe I've not had enough coffee today :laugh2: I have some 4 ounce tins that I am going to make candle in. When I weighed them for the amount of wax I came up with 6 ounces not 4. Do I just fill it up to the 4 ounce level? It just looks not full to me. This isn't candles but my 8 ounce milk jug jar does the same thing. I got 16 ounces of powder in this little sucker and 8 doesn't even fill it to the top.

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I just weighed the 8 ounce tins and they 13.8 ounces of liquid. So since this is the liquid weight on these shouldn't my weights on my labels be 6 ounces and 14 ounces? I don't know why in the HELL I've gone so brain dead on this. Or for those that sell them as 4 and 8 ounces I'm ASSuming lol that you are only pouring 4 and 8 ounces.

I filled these to the little lip(indentation) on the can.

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I have some 8 oz tins. I just weighed a tin that I haven't poured yet but has the wick in it vs. the tin I have poured. Once I tared out the weight of the empty tin, my candle weighed 6.5 oz.

Not sure if that is what you are looking for but thought maybe it would help some.

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*faint* Talk about feeling a real DUMB ass . I couldn't find a smiley with me beating my head against the wall. I weighed on of my tins that I had made up that I forgot I had. Minus the weight 2.4 ounces of the tin it weighs 8.26 ounces. I'm not even going to go there and explain how assanine I feel.

Don't mind me ladies and gents it's been a long day. :grin2:

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