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Open House - What NOT to do :)

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Okay, so there's a 100 threads on what to do for an Open House...but none on what NOT to do,LOL. I just had my first Open House, and thought I'd post a little of what I learned.......(some of it is just common sense, but when you're stressed and rushing about...you tend to forget :)

1. Don't put free samples of products out and tell people, "Oh, just grab a couple". I had free "mini" tarts available when people purchased tart warmers. I had two different women grab HANDFULS. Be sure to have a sign telling people the specifics (TWO free samples with tart warmer purchase, again, common sense, but something I forgot).

2. If you don't want kids running amuck throughout your home (and trying to eat various products, LOL), DON'T tell your friends, "Yeah, it's okay if you bring your kids". I even had a kids craft table set up so they could make a Mother's Day gift while the moms shopped. I didn't matter, they ran amuck anyway, LOL.

Okay, those are my starters. If anyone else wants to chime in, maybe this will help someone with future open houses :)

Oh, one last don't.....don't try baking cookies to serve during the open house. I had a batch in the oven, got sidetracked by a customer, and my fabulous smelling house had instantly turned into a burnt peanut butter cookie house, LOL.


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Good thread. I know at one time some one suggested not serving alchol unless you want the people to stay for sometime:)

Don't try making products the night before. Use this time to set up everything and make sure you have enough order forms.

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