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Mica or Glitter in bath bombs?

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I'm looking at small glitter from FNWL...but it still looks huge to me. Do people really like glitter like that?

Or is it really mica that they're fond off?

I have all this mica from Shutters last coop and don't have a clue what to do with it. LOL. If I put it in a bomb, will it leave a mica ring? Or just give me a nice little sheen?

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I would imagine it'd leave a mess in your bathtub. I don't know what type of micas these are, but if they're lip safe, they can be used in lip balms. I also like to use some in lotions every once in a while. Micas can be used in soaps. I don't use them very often, but I know a lot of people do. Glitter in soaps, while nice in theory, end up being scratchy.

There are a lot of different grades to glitters. I haven't used them much, but when I did, I got the Ultrafine (they also have fine) grade from MMS.

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I thought I read somewhere that you will leave a sparkly ring around your tub if you use micas. :cry2:

Yes this is true. I know because I made bombs with mica. I wanted a really pretty bright pink. The color turned out great but I hated the ring that it left in the tub.

I would imagine that if you try a fine glitter the ring wouldn't be to bad. I am going to give this a try sometime this week.

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You could unload some of that mica on me, that's what you can do with it..lol :wink2:


Well........I normally us it in my cp soap. I just figured i'd try something new with the bombs. I'll just stick to using it in soap. ;)

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