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Test burns....sigh

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Here are 3 test burns with different wicks...not sure if the pictures came out the best...

3 hour burn time...

red candle has= 2.5" 44-24-18 zinc wick---4794 wax

green candle= (just for kicks) I used 6" HTP 83 which I trimmed down--3/1 4794 to gb 415 wax

purple candle has 2.5" 36-24-24z zinc core--4794 wax

**not sure what the wick numbers mean by the way**

I think you can see the big mushroom on the red candle but I can smell it in my living room...

purple candle has a little mushroom on it but I can smell it weakly in my small bathroom..

the green candle no mushroom but can't really smell the scent (has a weak scent to begin with though..green grass)

I am not sure what to think...I guess I don't mind the mushrooming as long the FO is ok, but the flame is kind of big..

I guess I need to find new wicks...




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To find the best wick make sure all the testers are the same scent. Once you find the wick that has the right melt pool and not to large of a flame with good throw, use that as your starting wick. Some scents may have to be wicked up (larger wick) like vanilla.

BTW - Don't burn them all at the same time (I know it is a slower process) but that way you can tell how the throw is for that wick. Also keep detailed notes, so you can repeat any candle you make.

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