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Heard of the Burgoo Festival in Utica, Illinois?

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Has anyone ever heard of this?

I just wanted to remind you all that it is next Sunday - over 100 vendors and we are expecting about 50,000 people.

I am looking forward to it as my shop is smack dab in the middle of all the hubbub!! I hope you locals can come and see me!!

Let me know if you are coming, I would love to see you there!

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I'd love to expect that many people through a show...but those shows all seem to be very $$$$ to even register. I'm too worried about signing up for a $400 show this winter just because you never know if you're going to make your money back.

I hope it goes well for you! I'm sure it will. Send us pics!

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I'm not sure what they put it there lol I won't eat it LOLOL

SMART CHOICE! There is a VERY upscale rest. in Louisville, KY ...Burgoo is the House Specialty soup. I asked what it was once....after that there was no way I was eating it. Some of the origional was made from opossum...but a commercial eatery isnt allowed to use wild game like opossum.

I have to say it smells awesome...but I still aint eating it!:P

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WOW :eek: that is dang cheap for a space, especially with that many people expected to attend-it's all gonna be gravy baby!! :D

I can't wait to hear all about how you did, and hopefully see pics. of your setup. ;)

I'm also curious if you got more than one booth/area??

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Last year we got two booths, but this year I actually moved my retail store to Utica and it is smack dab in the middle of all the booths and food stands, so I didn't have to buy a booth this year.

We are going to set up a tent right outside the door and do demonstrations with the sugar scrubs and give away free shea butter sorbet, so I am hoping to lure them into my store :D

I have already started to take pictures!! woot!

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There was a ton of people there, but it didn't seem like they were really buying! I can tell you one thing right now, next year I will be definitely getting a booth uptown and also have the store open too. We made ½ of what we did last year & that made me a little mad, but our whole weekend was amazing. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday were great & I did make my lofty goal, but I really wanted to make that on Sunday alone lol

I am getting my pictures back soon...I hope they all turned out because my neice was playing around with the camera and I think she may have exposed the roll. I am crossing my fingers - well I do have some pics of my store that I can post at least lol

All in all, it was a great weekend - did anyone go??

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