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Having a coloring issue!

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Hi All,

I am hoping someone out there can help me out. I make candle embeds. I make the little mini marshmallows and for the life of me can not make them stay white. I use NG's Toasted Marshmallow and high melt point (embed wax) wax. I use block coloring and have tried TD and BC dye flake color. Nothing works. When I first pour them they are beautiful after a day or two sometimes not even that long they start to yellow or turn a brownish color. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do. The scent is yellow and I think that is what is causing this. I have also tried TC's mashmallow and the same thing has happened. I think if I can find toated mashmallow or mashmallow scent clear color it will work but I don't know who carries it. If you have any suggestions on how to keep them white of were to get a clear toasted marshmallow scent it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Sorry so long and TIA,

Devil Woman

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I would say the scent is partly to blame for discoloring your marshmallows.....at least that always been the case for me. I have to use a scent that is completely clear to keep that bright white color. I like to scent my food candles pretty close to what they actually ARE, but this is one of those cases, where I haven't found a clear toasted marshmallow, so I have had to settle for a dull white at least for now. I have scented my marshmallows toasted marshmallow and they don't stay BRIGHT white, but they are still more white than yellow.

I purchased a "whipped cream" scent that I had hoped to use (was told it was clear but turns out the supplier meant clear but not in color?!), but it came in a dark yellow and I can't use it (at least for white items) because of it.

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Yes, yellow & darker colored FO's will turn color over time and exposed to light. Also vanillla scents will turn color over time. You may have to leave them un-scented but thay may still turn, over time, if they are on top of colored wax.

My icing on brown cakes turn yellow to brown, over time. I think it has something to do with the brown color migrating into the white, over time. I wish I could keep my white, white, over time. I have tried additived & UV additive with no luck.

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