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Sometimes candles/soap get in the way of your business?

Read this today ...

A statement like this would be made by a task oriented individual, not a goal oriented person. Unfortunately task oriented people rarely make successful business owners.

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Uhmmm, six people voted, 100 viewed. Hope it made some people think. Or maybe you dont understand what it means. Oh well,thought it was interesting.

Well, I don't have a candle or soap business and it confuses me. Does that mean if you have a strictly candle business, does adding soaps 'get in the way' or if you have a strictly soap business, does adding candles 'get in the way'...or both, or what?

I would think if your business is to sell soap and candles, then if they get in the way for you, you're in the wrong business! :grin2:

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Sometimes candles/soap get in the way of your business?

So the answer to above question will reflect whether a person is "task oriented" or "goal oriented"? If so, it's a wee simplistic and doubtful that it brings forth a solid consensus.

But I do like polls


.......so thanks for the post.

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OK ok ok...so what you are asking is something like does the production of the candles/soap get in the way of the biz? If that is the question then I am a big yes! Sometimes there are not enough hrs in the day.....and then sometimes I am just lazy!...lol

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I agree that the question was a bit confusing. I know I didn't reply to the poll part because I honestly feel I'm a little of both. I LOVE making soaps, lotions (even candles, even though it's only been a handful of batches for personal use only). I wouldn't even consider selling them if I didn't love it. If I wanted a job that I didn't like, well, I'd at least choose something that pays me a little better! :D

However, if you're making the soaps and candles to sell, you can't sell them if you don't have them made. On the other side of that coin, simply making them doesn't sell them. You've got to have a balance of both. I know the monotony of making lotions every day sometimes gets to me. I sometimes have to force myself to restock my "stock" bases. That's actually one of my projects for this afternoon. But I had a day earlier this week when lotions were the absolute last thing I wanted to even look at, let alone make (I'm sure many of you feel this way about the stuff you make the most as well!). So I pulled out my soap molds and my lye, and I made four different batches of soap. Then next day I was able to jump back into the lotion making with no disgruntlement.

So I've always felt variety is important, however, so is consistency. I know, confusing, and I'm probably waxing a little philosophical. But the original question steered my brain down this path with its own philisophical nature.

For myself, I make sure that I do something business oriented every day. Something that is geared towards actively bringing in money. It's often writing a newsletter, or posting some ads. Then I also make sure I do something creation wise every day. Make lotion, lip balms, soaps. Fill Flavor Oil bottles. Then if my day isn't completely taken over by those two tasks (and my household and family are running smoothly, and not a total disaster ;) ), I try to do some of the other business tasks that are always always necessary, but don't directly bring money in. Like paperwork (:tongue2:), website work, ad copy, label creation, etc. All necessary tasks, but don't always get done every day (which my overflowing desk is a testament to!!!).

So this is my very long answer to what seemed like a deceptively simply question, that at least to me, wasn't simple at all. :D

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Well, actually I can see where it could be confusing.Sorry.

I got this from another site and the man was frustrated because his workers didnt show up and he had to stop and make his product when he had so much paper work,orders and appointments with other people about his product.

So I guess this should only apply to people with employees?

I got from this that sometimes people are so wrapped up in the product instead of getting your product out there. I know that you need to stock and make your product perfect. I noticed that I am a task oriened person.

Just something to get ya thinkin.LOL

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I understand the poll completely. The problem for me is that I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my products , that I produce them all myself. This makes it very difficult to do a lot of the things you need to do to make your business grow. My goal for this year is to get my website up, and find a rep. I have been full tilt boogie for the last 3 weeks, I try to add a product every year, but even testing time can get difficult. The more I read the more I realize that I have to keep my company small, or get someone out there selling for me. I love the creativity and the production of the products and therefore see that as my forte. You do need to get some good people behind you to make the business grow, if that is your intention. It is in some ways a catch 22, and I will honestly say at this stage in the business, I have lost site of my business sense because I am completely burnt. I am re evaluating and will be finding help through the SBA from former sucessful business owners to get a handle on what I want to do and where I want to go.

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