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Are there wet spots in palm containers?

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littlebrownbug, I am doing exactly what you are doing. I use two CSN 9's (the smallest they make, other than for votives) and I too get that "line" around the top. However, it's not with ALL of the candles I've tested so far. So far, it's happened badly on my MacIntosh Apple (from BCN) and only a little on my Beach Bum (from JS) and not at all on my Grapefruit Vanilla Twist (from JS). So, maybe it's the fo's fault;) . I also found out what you did, that the CSN 16's just don't give a good, clean melt pool and the hot throw is not that great either. For now though, I'm not worried about the discolored line. I've finally gotten a great burning and throwing candle, so I'm happy! :yay: :yay: :grin2::yay: :yay:

Hi Becky,

Thanks for the post. It's quite possible like you say that my fo's are the problem. However,I used the CSN16 and got a great hot throw using CS's Black Cherry(that one is awesome) and six drops of burgandy,it just isn 't big enough of a wick I think to get a really good melt pool.My only other option and the one I think is best is to double wick em. I do have some new wicks from Wick It that hold lots of promise....we shall see. I will also try those wicks in some Strahl and Pitsch 487 palm derived wax.They are the ones that recommended that I try the wicks from Wick It as they work really well in their SP 487 wax....again,we shall see. I am hoping to find several really good palm waxes. If none stand out then I can use them all comfortably and not worry about the quality so much.


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I did a little research and it looks like the CSN wicks are the same or about the same as the CDN wicks. You might look to see if they come in a bigger size...Stella might chime in here...she uses CDN's and she would probably know the answer to this.

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I get my CDNs (now named Stabilo KST) from JBN and they range in size from 8 - 22 in increments of 2 (8, 10, 12, etc.). I have seen larger and smaller sizes available from Wicks Unlimited and WickIt but have not ordered any larger because I do not have a need for them at present.

Have no idea about wicking palm wax container candles as we only make soy wax candles in containers at present. I do know that if I hadda mess with doublewicking, I would never make palm wax container candles 'cause that is more of a PITA than I am willing to endure! I'm sure others will chime in with their experiences. :yay:

I have some CSNs from CS to test but haven't done so yet... one of these days...

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I have noticed this discoloration on some of my palm containers as well. Here is the conclusion I have come to. Because the palm is so hard, it seems to need a larger wick in order for the wax to be consumed before it begins to scortch. All though I may very well have had a good melt pool, if the wicks werent hot enough to consume the wax in a fast enough time frame, the wax just seemed to scorch and discolor. Wicking up solved that problem for me. I saw you photos in the gallery, and that is exactly what my candles looked like before I wicked up. I am also a fan of double wicking the palm containers.

BTW, I first noticed how badly palm wax can scorch/discolor when I poured some excess wax into my tart molds. After just a few hours in the warmer, the palm discolors/scorches. Thats when I realized that hot palm wax will scorch/discolor after a few hours if it isnt being consumed. Hope this makes sence to you, LOL! Let us know how it turns out. :)

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