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Trying to understand Wicking Vs FO

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I see alot mentioned on this board about certain FO's being "heavy" or "hard to burn", which will change the way you have to wick.

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is "heavy" when referring to FO? Does the color of the FO have anything to do with it? (I've just noticed that some FO's are darker than others)

I've read that vanilla's and cinammon's fall into this category....is there some sort of list?

And why is it that some of these FO's won't burn well in soy waxes?

Sorry for the multiple questions, but they all correspond to each other and didn't want to have to list multiple threads.

As usual, thank you in advance for your help!!

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"Heavy" means the weight of the FO. If you bought all of your FO bottles new, and they were packaged by weight, you may have noticed that many of the fill lines (where the liquid reached the top of the bottle) were at different heights.

The ones that didn't look filled all the way are heavier than the ones which are filled right to the top.

There's not really a list, but generally, vanillas, cinnamons, patchoulis, some roses, and FO's containing high amounts of those four will be heavier than, say, your average lemon drop or sweetgrass.

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Well, then "heavy" in this case was literal. :) I was thinking that it might be how strong or light a scent was....

So, the color of the FO doesn't have anything to do with it? Just curious why they're different colors....

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