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Lye Soap

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Im about to go to our local grocery store. I would like a recipe on how to make lye soap, hot process. I need to know exactly what items to purchase. This is just a test batch so......im if its not necessary please say so. Im leaving at about 5.00 so let me know soon please... thanks

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I just want a basic recipe but I can't find anything.... could you post some links maybe.

I'm sure there are some basic recipes there, I haven't got time right now to look. There are 1000's of recipes all over the web, you just have to look and find one which suits you. Many basic recipes call for oils which aren't readily available at every grocery store.

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Make sure that it is 100% sodium hydroxide. Lye hasn't be available in stores anymore, so please check the label. If it has anything else in the ingredients it shouldn't be used.

Red Devil was the one to buy, and it has been off the shelves for a year now. :)

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Sorry to hijack but I just got back from Ace Hardware store and bought some lye for my first try at making soap. I hope it's the right kind, states "Rooto household 100% lye drain opener" and it is powder.

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Depending on where you live, you can get Roebic lye at Lowes, too. It's in the plumbing section, and it's 100% soduim hydroxide (lye). I use it all the time with excellent results. I was getting a little low on it and just bought 4 pounds at my local Lowe's today.


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Yes, rooto is safe to use for soap.


Thanks, now I need to get some more supplies in. So far I only have the lye, lard, rice bran oil, canola oil, vit e, castor oil and cornstartch. Need to get some butters and stuff (and get my nerve up).

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I used lard, rooto lye, soy wax, and olive oil. All things that were readily available to me at my local grocery store( very small grocery store).It turned out ok i guess. I've never made any before so i really cant say. How long should i let it dry? two or three days or what? I hope it turns out ok... im really anxious, can you tell?

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Make sure that it is 100% sodium hydroxide. Lye hasn't be available in stores anymore, so please check the label. If it has anything else in the ingredients it shouldn't be used.

Red Devil was the one to buy, and it has been off the shelves for a year now. :)

I am still able to buy Red Devil at my local grocery stores. One of the perks to living out in the sticks I guess.

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Hello, I saw your message and pulled some of these off my website. It is not up and running right now, but I will have more when it is. Monica

Cold Soap Process Recipes

Crisco Easy

3 lbs. Crisco (1 can)

6 oz. lye

12 oz. Water


Lard Soap

44 oz tallow

28 oz lard

30 oz olive oil

14 oz lye

41 oz water


Milky Oatmeal-Honey Soap

4 oz. Milk

12-14 oz. Water

48 oz. Shortening

6 oz Lye

6 TBS Oatmeal (powdered)

3 TBS. Honey



10 oz palm

4 oz coconut oil

2 oz olive oil

1/4 C. regular oatmeal, run through the blender

2 oz lye

1 C. distilled water

scent (optional)


Simple Olive Oil Soap

16 oz. pure olive oil

2 oz. lye

6 oz. Water


Three Cold Pour Recipe Variations

20 oz coconut oil

20 oz olive oil

30 oz Crisco

9.0 oz lye

27.2 oz water Or Milk

20 oz coconut oil

18 oz olive oil

27 oz Crisco

3 oz palm kernel oil

2 oz beeswax

8.5 oz lye

24 oz water Or Milk

2 oz beeswax

2 oz cocoa butter

20.4 oz coconut oil

14.4 oz palm oil

30 oz olive oil

8.8 oz lye

26 oz water Or Milk


Cucumber Soap

15 ounces Canola Oil

30 ounces Coconut Oil

27 ounces Olive Oil

21 ounces Palm Oil

5 ounces Shea Butter

13.75 ounces of lye

20 ounces of Pure water

16 ounces of pureed cucumber (peels 'n all!)


Instruction On Mixing Soap

Wear Rubber Gloves

Melt/heat the Oils in a enamel pan and place on stove to melt and heat. Or Place in the microwave for 3 Minutes.

When the Oils and lye are warm to the touch 98 Degrees, pour oils slowly into the lye while blending. Place cold water or Milk into a glass bowl and slowly add lye while stirring with a Stick Blender. Stir until well blended. Come back every five minutes or so and blend until blended well. At 98 degrees add one cup of sugar.

. Keep blending until you get trace.

Trace is when it thickens to the point where you can drop some of the mix back in to itself and it leaves a trail.

At this point use any ( 2.0 Z or ¼ cup ) herbs, scent, or coloring and stir and pour mold(s).Spray your molds with mold release. Silicone or Vegetable spray Any container will work, As long as it’s not metal. No aluminum- the lye will eat the container. You can line a cookie sheet with shrink-wrap or any container. Specialty soap molds work just fine, too.

Put molds in a cool dry place, Cover so that the air wont get into them- This causes a white powder to comes to the top ,if they dry to fast. Let set 24 hours and then cut. Cover and Place on to rack or cloth surface and let cure for 4-6 weeks.To dry more quickly and save space -you can set the soap on their side. Enjoy

Lotions & Creams

Sweet Coconut Cream

1 oz. citric acid

. 3 oz. emulsifying wax

. 5 oz. glycerin

. 4 oz. stearic acid

2 oz. coconut oil

. 9 oz. water

scent (optional)

Gardner's Hand Cream


3/4 c. Sweet Almond Oil

1/3 C Coconut Butter

1 tps Cocoa Butter

Vit. E (1200 IU)

1-1/4 tsp E-wax

3 T Stearic Acid


1/3 C Aloe Vera Gel

1/3 C Witch Hazel

1/3 C Distilled Water with just a pinch of Citric Acid

PH should be about 6.5

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