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Just thinking about this anyone have thoughts??


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I'm thinking about slowly becoming a supplier but I'm not really sure hot to break into this or start this up. Does anyone have any knowledge as far as this is concerned? I know you have to have your ducks in a row and a good amount of start-up money but I guess I don't even know where to order the supplies from?

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With so many well known suppliers going out of business recently...I think i'd really think this through before venturing a whole bunch of money in to it. SoapnCandles, BNL, Wick your Wax, Scents for Soy, Longwycks, Snowtop, Jade Green Beans, Serendipities, and i'm sure i'm forgetting a few but those are just off the top of my head. I know they all stated other reasons for getting out of the business but if the money were there and plentiful...i'm sure they'd still be around.

The smart thing to do would be to build up a clientele first, either through monthly group buys (helps build up your stock as well) or even ebay or etsy. Kathy from ICS originally started on Ebay and once she build up a steady flow of clients...opened her own website and the rest is history.

I think i'd try dipping a toe in the water before taking a full dive....you definitely don't want to be taking a belly flop anytime soon! ;)

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Of course, but I was curious where I would even go when I got to the point where I was ready, if I every even choose this route. I'm already trying to build up my clientele, I'm not a newbie just trying to jump in, I'm just someone who is hungry for more information because one day I might like to try this. I'm constantly researching new things on my business front to try to stay ahead of the game... same with this. I do tons of research before doing something "officially".

And most business' fail, so personally, I'm not surprised that so many are going out of business. It's hard to get a business up and running and keep it going but that shouldn't scare people off from trying.

Anyway, if anyone has information on "where" to learn more about the supplier end of the spectrum please let me know!!

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