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Polypro...please explain

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I'm confused...happens easily, I assure you.

Anyway, I keep reading all of the posts regarding the fact that I should ONLY use bags made out of polypro or the scent will get "sucked" out. In addition, I'm not supposed to store my tarts together or the scents will mix.

Now, there are also posts that say things like "once the FO is in the wax, it's in there for the long haul". I've also seen chemical explanations of how the FO gets binded to the wax so that I don't lose any scent if I don't have a lid for my container.

To me, these contradict each other....either the FO is there to stay, or it's not. If my FO is there for the long haul, why do I need to worry about what to package them in? :confused:

I read a post on here where a lady claimed to have found some tarts that had been packaged in regular ziplock bags a couple years back....she said they were still as strong as ever!

??? Anyone have some scientific explanation ???

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Might be as simple as zip lock bags are open cell bags and can let small amounts of air in and out over time. Polypro is a closed cell bag... like some suppliers use plastic for fragrance oil bottle but glass is known to be better for holding scent over a longer period of time. Another example is you can fill an balloon up with air, a few days later some air will have leak out thru the balloons skin. Mylar is more closed cell and will hold the air in many many days longer.

Clear as mud right?

Bruce :cheesy2:

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Not really....

That theory then contradicts the statement: "FO's are in the wax for the long haul". It shouldn't matter how much AIR comes in or out of the package if the FO is there to stay.

Some candles, like pillars, sit exposed to air in your home...they don't lose their scent. ??? So, I don't think AIR is a culprit here...

Sorry, not trying to be difficult...just trying to make sense of it all.

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FOs *aren't* in the wax for the long haul. They do migrate to the surface of the wax, slowly, and the FO at the surface will migrate out into the air. That's why a candle like a pillar standing open to the air will lose it's cold throw, and why you want to bag them. The inside fragrance takes longer to move around in the wax matrix.

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Yes, if all goes well with your wax/wick combination and you had a hot throw in the first place :) I've burned pillars that didn't have much smell on the outside after 2/3 years of sitting in the open, but they still smelled nice when burning. Wax is like the closed cell bag that Bruce mentioned. Most of the fragrance will still be in the wax structure. But if you're selling, it's that first cold throw that pulls the customer in, so that's why it's important to store candles properly.

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If you can smell a candle, melt, or anything else at anytime some amount of scent its being released into the air and that scent that is released cant be replaced. There are a set amount of scent molecules in a scented item. Its in there and it can only lose not gain strength.. unlike my son who likes eating cabbage which is a continuing source of... fragrance. Using the right packaging will hold in more fragrance making the product that much stronger for the consumer.

I'm sure there are more technical answers to this because there has to be something in the plastic zip bags that make using them much worse than no packaging at all. It really does SUCK the fragrance out of a product. My first answer was the simple version. :grin2: My brain power is a limited and I need to save up for the weekend.


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