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Vanilla Clumps in Fragrance Oil


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I am using Cashmere Scarf (Southern Scentsations) in my Enchanted Lites soyblend candles. I've noticed the fragrance oil has clumps of something in it... Upon contacting the supplier it was mentioned in some of the fragrances they blend, the vanilla tends to "clump" a bit in it. I've tried setting the FO container in warm water in an attempt to melt them down , shake up the FO and use, however, I can't seem to get the clumps out. I dont' want to warm the FO in a microwave as I'm afraid it will ignite. I am worried about the integrity of the oil, if it's not blending right inside the bottle, my candles won't smell like they should. Hmmmm....

Does anyone else have this happening with FO's and if so, what method works best for you to get rid of the clumps. This is a new fragrance for me,, I love it and so do my testers, but I may have to replace it, with this clumping thing going on, it tends to make me a little nervous. I've poured candles for 19 years and have never seen this in an FO.

Thx for your help.

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The creme brulee that I use does the clump thing. I put the FO bottle in fairly warm water (around 150-175 or so) and just let it sit, shaking it every so often. The clumps take quite a while to dissolve, but they eventually do. I haven't noticed any degradation in the strength of the oil or anything like that. I was told that the vanilla in the oil tends to clump when it gets cold...

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I believe the clumps are vanalin which is a primary ingredient of Vanilla FO. In the initial formulation the vanalin has to be heated to a high temp to melt and blend with the rest of the FO. Even after blending,however, it can separate under cold temps and form the clumps. Heat the FO in hot water before adding to the wax. The wax needs to be hot. Stir quickly. This will eliminate or reduce the clumping. If this is too much trouble, simply pour off the sludge in the bottom of the pot. We have never noticed that it makes a noticeable difference in the throw. These things work for us; someone else may have a better solution. HTH

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