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Help -Milk Bath / Body Milk Recipe


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I saw a bottle of milk bath / body milk in the store the other day and was wondering how to make it - it almost looks like the "lava" concept in that there was a clear liquid on the bottom of the bottle and a separated milky colored liquid in the top part of the bottle - it was very pretty but unfortunately, I didn't have time to look more into it to see the ingredients.

Any ideas how to make something like this?

I also have another question, how do you mix mica with a liquid soap base so that it doesn't all settle to the bottom of the bottle?


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Just hazarding a guess, could it be simply an oil/water mix with no emulsifier, so the oil settles to the bottom and the water stays on top? I know it sounds fairly simple, but as far as I can tell, a lot of commercial bath products are, but with pretty packaging :P Could always experiment by putting some clear oil (grapeseed maybe) and milky water into a bottle and seeing what you get. Like I said though, just a guess!

For the other one, MMS sells a liquid soap base, and a suspending liquid soap base that can suspend mica, jojoba beads and stuff. I presume there's some ingredient that differentiates them... I'll take a look and see.

EDIT: Ahh, found it. Through a comparison of the suspending liquid bases MMS and Brambleberry both sell, I managed to isolate xanthan gum. It's a highly efficient viscosity modifier and suspending agent that's completely water soluble. Hope it helps!

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