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Ok now I'm really ticked off. This candlemania person that screwed me on the molds, has now left a childish remark on my ebay. I left her a negative comment because I have a right to. I did everything I was supposed to as far as paying for the molds right away (like immeaditely) and everything. Now because of something that has happened to her family, I get screwed out of it not only by not getting what I paid for, but she's leaving neg. feed back on my ebay??? How in the hell does this make sense?? Here's what she put.

UNCONFIRMED NEWBY who leaves negatives Please read the policies & procedures!

Um...excuse me?? First of all I'm not a 'NEWBIE', second where does she get off stating I leave negatives (plural meaning more than one)? This is the first time I've left a negative for anyone ever on ebay AND it's my first neg that I didn't even deserve!!! GGRRRRRR I am so mad! Plus where does it say in the 'policies and procedures' that if your daughter gets sick and you have to shut down your business and I get screwed in the matter I can't bitch about it? It's supposed to be okay right? Am I over reacting?

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Ok now I'm really ticked off. This candlemania person that screwed me on the molds, has now left a childish remark on my ebay. I left her a negative comment because I have a right to. I did everything I was supposed to as far as paying for the molds right away (like immeaditely) and everything. Now because of something that has happened to her family, I get screwed out of it not only by not getting what I paid for, but she's leaving neg. feed back on my ebay??? How in the hell does this make sense?? Here's what she put.

UNCONFIRMED NEWBY who leaves negatives Please read the policies & procedures!

Um...excuse me?? First of all I'm not a 'NEWBIE', second where does she get off stating I leave negatives (plural meaning more than one)? This is the first time I've left a negative for anyone ever on ebay AND it's my first neg that I didn't even deserve!!! GGRRRRRR I am so mad! Plus where does it say in the 'policies and procedures' that if your daughter gets sick and you have to shut down your business and I get screwed in the matter I can't bitch about it? It's supposed to be okay right? Am I over reacting?

i'm sorry that happened. but if you look at the second page of this thread i mentioned it almost always happens. if you leave neg feed back you have to expect it in return. it sux i have a neg mark on mine because of someone who got ticked cause i left her neg.

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As a person who runs both a supply and the regular retail businesses, and a mother to three boys, I know life can certainly get hectic. Kids get sick, emergencies happen, YOU get sick, etc. Things happen, life happens.

HOWEVER, as a business person, I always strive to be absolutely professional when it comes to business dealings, and do everything possible not to let my personal life interfere. Other people, when they order from me (especially from the supply business), they have people depending on them as well. They need my supplies to keep their business moving forward. For me to list tons and tons of excuses, well, it's not something I'll do. Every once in a while, an order will be pushed back a day or two, but I always let my customer know. So far, I haven't had to resort to this, but I have taught my husband how to make lotions, and I plan on teaching my SIL before too long. So I have back up plans in place if ever I were to get seriously ill or injured and couldn't make it myself.

However (again!), if it was determined that I couldn't follow through on my end of the business deal, I would ALWAYS immediately refund my customers money. I would never hold onto it and then ignore them. In my opinion, that's equivalent to stealing.

I hate that this lady's daughter is sick, but if you're unable to run your business, then you close down for a while. She's still actively selling on e-bay, so she does have internet connection. I hope I'm referring to the right lady. I reread the thread, but did get a little confused, as two different transactions were being discussed through it. One was listed as being with the daughter in the hospital, and thus not having access to the internet. If this is that lady, well, she obviously DOES have access to the internet, as she has current e-bay listings. If you haven't filed with E-bay, I would. I don't do e-bay transactions very often, as I've found it can get more than a little scary, and because of the relative anonymity of user names, people tend to get vicious with the comments and ratings stuff.

However (I'm really liking that word this morning!), E-Bay does have a pretty decent system for filing about fraud, and various problems. Heck, I was able to file on a person that I had no intention on ever buying from. (someone advertising soap from the 1800s... they were claiming that lye soap couldn't be made any more...this person was an idiot. EBay made them change their ad before reposting it) Since it's been as long as it has, I very strongly believe this is now fraud.

Talk to e-bay, they'll let you know what you can do.

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I ordered embeds from her for Christmas scene candles the first week in December. When I didn't receive them after about 10 days, I started emailing and got NO response. I then emailed again and asked her to refund my $$ since these were seasonal. After a couple of days, she replied that she was sending my order (it was a small order). She said she had been busy with other orders and couldn't send them before then. I received them on December 23.

The embeds were nice, but I would never order from her again. I have put them away since it was too late to use them. She had to send a combined invoice, so I felt that she should have let me know at that time that there would be a delay.

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yep, this is the same one. Candlemandiaembeds. I tried to file a complaint through ebay and they sent me straight to paypal to file a complaint. I almost think it's not worth the hassle anymore. I got my money back, I have a negative remark, but oh well. One is not going to make or break me right? I'm just upset that she left a neg against me, and I'm the customer! I did everything I was supposed to do. The wrong doing is on her end! BAD customer service if you ask me.

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I have one neg fb on ebay. I hated it at first, but I got over it. The woman had lots of negatives and left mine out of retaliation.

Several months ago, a thread was on here because she stole a photo from Laura, who makes embeds. The thread turned into a circus, and the lunatic woman came on and made all sorts of excuses for herself. She didn't use her ebay name on here, but I knew right away who it was because of the style of her ranting and raving and also by the stupid excuses.

I no longer worry about her negative. I was the buyer, I paid right away, I never got my product. She did refund, but only after a ridiculous series of dumbass emails.

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Ok now I'm really ticked off. This candlemania person that screwed me on the molds, has now left a childish remark on my ebay. I left her a negative comment because I have a right to. I did everything I was supposed to as far as paying for the molds right away (like immeaditely) and everything. Now because of something that has happened to her family, I get screwed out of it not only by not getting what I paid for, but she's leaving neg. feed back on my ebay??? How in the hell does this make sense?? Here's what she put.

UNCONFIRMED NEWBY who leaves negatives Please read the policies & procedures!

Um...excuse me?? First of all I'm not a 'NEWBIE', second where does she get off stating I leave negatives (plural meaning more than one)? This is the first time I've left a negative for anyone ever on ebay AND it's my first neg that I didn't even deserve!!! GGRRRRRR I am so mad! Plus where does it say in the 'policies and procedures' that if your daughter gets sick and you have to shut down your business and I get screwed in the matter I can't bitch about it? It's supposed to be okay right? Am I over reacting?

Well that's shitty. She just posted to be able to leave the negative cause she knows she was in the wrong and can't say anything else. She should have just left it alone but many people have the "I'll take ya down w/ me" attitude. Can you appeal the comment with ebay?

It's the same the other way around too. Some won't leave you good feedback unless you leave them some first. I have that all the time. I get emails telling me thanks for the fast payment but unless I leave them feedback first I get nothing. pppppffffttttt to them...lol

Anyway...how can a person be an unconfirmed newbie? That wording just struck me as odd. 4_12_3.gif

I also hate that ebay only gives you a small number of characters to reply.

Just another ebayer to say away from. That list grows everyday.:tongue2:

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she sent me an email after I replied back to the feedback that my address is not confirmed with paypal. Uh, yeah it is, both my home and my business. I basically sent her a message back telling her that I'm sorry it has escalted to this point and all I really wanted was the molds. I wished her well and that was that. Also what's funny is she's still selling stuff and for some reason other people are receiving items they bought from her. They are leaving feed back everyday, tell me that's not odd.

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That sounds to me like someone that is making up the feedback w/ fake accounts.

I've heard that some, to increase their percentages will create accounts to either get their numbers up or get the bidding higher so they get more money for the stuff they are selling. I was in some auctions recently were I thought that was happening.

The stuff I was bidding on were several items from one seller and in each auction there was one bidder (same name in all auctions) that was countering bids to a certain amount of money and it was the same amount on each auction. I won a couple of the auctions but thought it was all too coincidental that it was the same bidder on all 5 auctions and they didn't rebid after a certain amount of money.

This lady sounds similar if she's still getting all this great feedback and you didn't get your stuff I would be thinking that she's scamming on the feedback system.

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Well that's shitty. She just posted to be able to leave the negative cause she knows she was in the wrong and can't say anything else. She should have just left it alone but many people have the "I'll take ya down w/ me" attitude. Can you appeal the comment with ebay?

It's the same the other way around too. Some won't leave you good feedback unless you leave them some first. I have that all the time. I get emails telling me thanks for the fast payment but unless I leave them feedback first I get nothing. pppppffffttttt to them...lol

Anyway...how can a person be an unconfirmed newbie? That wording just struck me as odd. 4_12_3.gif

I also hate that ebay only gives you a small number of characters to reply.

Just another ebayer to say away from. That list grows everyday.:tongue2:

she can appeal but it will get her nowhere both party's will have to decide to withdrawl their feedback entirely. and sometimes it cost money to actually file the appeal. you can do it for free but all they do is send an e-mail to the other person saying an appeal has been filed and would they like to honor it or something if they don't you have to pay to push for it. wasn't worth it for me for one neg

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