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Wax and Wick Dilemma...

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About 8 months ago, we finally came up with a combo that seemed to work. We are using 4630/1945 wax, double wicking with LX10's in the 10 oz apothecary jars, using approximately 7 ounces of wax in each.

All had been going quite well...most FO's worked, except for the occasional one that needed to be wicked up or down. We were thrilled...now time to start doing some mass manufacturing for the Fall shows this year!


We ordered a case of wax and 1000 wicks and started testing the newer scents we had added. We were having issues with soot and wicks that seemed to "implode" - burn down the center, leaving a burn mark on the wax. Of course, since we were testing new scents, we thought it was the FO's, so we went back to our other scents that had burned perfectly. No go there either...they are now doing the same thing...touch of soot on the jars, or worse...and either one or both of the wicks burn funny and, sometimes, leave a burn mark in the wax around the misbehaving wick!

I have contacted the company that we purchased the wax and wicks from to see if they had any ideas. They seem to think it may be the batch of wax.

I am totally frustrated. This is such a "start and stop" venture. Just when you think you have it, BAM, another puzzle to work out.

Someone suggested we just purchase a larger amount of wax, enough to get us through this season, and test those...go with what works, then worry about the next batch of wax - but I am not sure it is the wax.

Does anyone have any insight into what our problem may be? Has anyone experienced this black burn mark on the wax around the wick, and the fact that when it burns, the flame seems to go DOWN into the wick?

I am totally baffled....this combo worked so well through at least two cases of wax, which were delivered at separate times. Unfortunately, I never noted the "lot numbers", so I can't tell if these were from separate batches or not.

Thanks for listening to my rant....and any help would be so appreciated!


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It can be very much a start and stop venture. The vagaries of the universe are always trying to screw up your candles.

I'd guess it's the wax, hopefully just the way it sets up. Have you noted whether there are any air pockets near the wick? You may be able to fix that by controlling the way the candles cool.

You'll need to test every shipment of wax and always specify that the entire order should have the same lot number. It's enough of a hassle that shipments may vary, but you don't want split-lot shipments on top of it.

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Thanks for your insight, Top!

I have not noticed any pockets near the wick...does a wick burn the way I am describing if there is an air pocket. I have never seen this "burn mark" before in my life! lol

Well, we are two for two that it is the wax...I am waiting to hear back from BC, but their first reaction was that it was the wax.

Now, since I don't know the lot number of this wax, it's a crapshoot that if I order another case of wax, it could be the same....or it could be different.....lol....where is my foil hat?!?!?!?! LOL :tiptoe:

Thanks again....

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I totally understand your pain! I can't seem to find the perfect combination either. Whenever I do....something changes.... How do the people that do make large amounts of candles have any consistancy?? I would also be interested in those that fill containers for people that bring in random jars get the wicking correct? (Please do not preach reasons for not refilling...I know them....) I am just interested in know what other people do

Sorry that doesn't help you at all Jane but I want to know too!! It is hard to believe everyone tests all the fragrances and jars with each new batch of wax!

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Realistically it would be hard for anyone here to totally diagnose your problem with just the info we have. I can't even visualize what that "burn mark" looks like so I wouldn't want to say what it is. The air pocket crossed my mind just because that can make a wick burn straight down into the wax and drown.

Also I was optimistically hoping for you that it was just a setup problem with the wax. Otherwise you might have to take a second look at your candle design. Make sure it's not over-fragranced and make sure the wicking is really working. LX 10 is a really small wick. It's not just a matter of how much firepower you need to melt the wax. Sometimes you just need wicks big enough to burn the candle mixture without clogging up or disintegrating. When you split it up into two small wicks they might struggle.

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When I tested 1945/4630, I really had soot/black smoke problems. I think it is the wax in general. It may be that the FOs you had burning good were not the heavy or vanilla types. An LX 10 is a tiny wick and if I remember correctly, they bend as they burn. I just have never been able to double-wick with CDs or LXs because you don't know which way they will bend. For double-wicking I would suggest a wick that stands up straight like a Zinc or a Performa (Z44-24 or P90.)

I just completed a $10,400. fundraiser (delivered today.) I can assure you that I DO NOT retest everything when I get a new shipment of wax. We use either 6006 or 223/soy and while I do pay careful attention to the 1st boxes of wax from a new shipment and I do burn a few testers, I have never retested all of my candles. I have trust in the 6006 and 223 and do make sure they all have the same batch #s. If you continue to have problems with the 1945, you might want to try 6006 or 223/soy. I do know they wick similar (very close) to the 1945. Carole

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