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i set up basically like my craft shows but i only put one of each scent out and do cash and carry and orders. i do a quick little yada yada about the products and then let people sniff and chat and i sit nearby at a table ready to take orders or answer questions. whatever you do keep it at a minimum you don't want to take over your hostess' house with your stuff or give them to much to look at giving them the chance to get tired of sniffing and miss some stuff

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I guess I should also clarify that I dont do candles and do you just advertise to people you know???? I was thinking of strangers but I am not sure about that. Pictures would be a plus I haven't done a craft show cuz I am a scardy cat:shocked2: stupid little anxiety issue I have pathetic I know. I just thought doing a sale in my home would be easier however I dont want freaks to come and how can you discourage them from coming LOL:laugh2: I cant say "no freaks, scary people allowed" :grin2:

ok anyway back to topic

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ok your reffering to an open house in your own home. not having one at someone elses house.

don't open it up to the public if your not comfortable. its your home you do as you please. invite friends, family, past customers, people along those lines and tell everyone to feel free to bring a guest. make sure you give everyone a time frame instead of telling them it starts at such and such a time. you don't want people to feel like they have to show up at a certain time telling them it runs from 12 - 5 and to show up anytime is the best way to go about it.

if you choose to serve food keep it to a minimum. people have a tendency to eat and run. (free food who can say no).

i'd say get some cheapo clipboards from walmart and put an order form, business card, catalog/ brochure, and anything else like that that you have on each one and as people come in hand them one and a pen so they can fill out as they go around. set up a table with atleast one of each product you make so people can see it and all that. and just make sure to be availible for question.

i like having cash and carry because people like to leave with something and try to have actual samples to give out to people. gotta love samples

i don't have any pics but you can go on my website and get an idea of how we set up for craft shows. theres a pic on the home page.

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I'm getting ready to do a home show in May - I want to have actual stock for them to buy so that I can get my $$ right then - so I'm trying to build up - and if I run out of something I'll let them order it - my issue w/people ordering is do you get their money up front? I would want it up front, but not sure how they'll respond to paying for something not in their hands - but at the same time I don't want to pour something and have them decide against it. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that yet. Oh, and I hate having strangers in my house, I'm paranoid lol - I'm inviting peep I know, and letting them bring a guest - too many freaks in the general public!

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you always get your payment up front for orders people don't expect otherwise. if you go to a partylite show or tastefully simple you pay when you place your order. you show is no different and people know that

Yeah, that's what I figured - can't wait to see how it goes! I have a small show at my gym on Saturday, but I have NO idea how many people actually plan on going, so I may be very disappointed w/sales - but that's ok, I'm not paying anything to be there - we'll see what happens.

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I feel the same way as you having strangers in my home, so I don't do open house shows. But I do house parties, and I love them. Usually most of the people know everyone there so it's a lot of fun. They come to buy, so you always make good money. I'd rather do house parties than anything else, but I won't do an open house at my home. I'd rather think of myself as being safe, not paranoid. These days you just never know. Better safe than sorry, any day of the year. Good luck on whatever you decide to do. And yes, get your money up front for any order you take. At my house parties I usually take what I have in stock, and I try to make sure I have enough, but I'll always take orders. I do find people really like to take their goodies home with them the same night though.

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Do you have a friend or relative who is willing to host a party for you at their home? That's how it starts, the first party is held, it goes well, a person from that party books another party, etc. Offer the hostess an incentive for her guests hosting a party, and let the guests know the benefit of hosting a party of their own (a percentage of product for the amount of sales, and what added bonus there is for hosting a party). I would never hold an open house/home party in my home for strangers. Another option is to host your party at your home, invite friends and encourage them to bring a guest.

I do an open house every year the 1st Sunday in December and the sales are really good. I offer alot of food. This past December it was over $1100 in sales. I offer gift baskets (which really help that time of year) as well as single products. The beauty of an open house is you don't have to have a presentation, it's cash & carry and you aren't bombarded with guests all at one time. I love my open houses. This December will be my 4th.

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I don't do any home shows because I would rather not, but this Friday I am doing a show for my DIL it is also a lingerie/adult toy thing. I agreed to do it just to unload extra candles and bathnbody stuff. I have sales reps. that do the shows for me but this time I thought I would do one. I am doing a small presentation with a game or two and offer discounts the more the women buy. I will try and take pics. Every setup for me is different depending on how much stuff I take.

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