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Lush Soap?


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Are you serious?? I've been to the stores and they look like cp? I don't make it so I'm no expert! I just ask because they don't wrap up their stuff and its stacked one on top of another and if I do that with mp it picks up stuff dust and such. I think i'm going to go get a bar and see if it dents? I need to know now lol

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I was just on the Lush website and was able to get a gander at their soap ingredients, and it's pretty much M&P with goodies thrown in. Their soap has the same basic ingredients that are listed on the ingredient lists of my own M&P bases I have here at home.

Pepperi, It's very easy to make M&P to look like CP with all the different opaque M&P bases out there to work with nowadays. I've got a couple of them myself from WSP and they work great, except I can't swirl in them like I can in CP. The dead give-away is the ingredient list. When you see things like Propylene Glycol or Sodium Laurel Sulphate in the ingredients, you can pretty much tell that it's M&P. HTH! :smiley2:


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Oh wow! They sell their soaps as if they are cp? Unbelievable

All they say is that they hand make their products. There is no mention of MP or CP. I don't think the term hand made implies that it's CP, since MP soapers would call their product hand made as well. So, I don't think it's intended to trick anyone. Also, I saw this on their site:

"Our handmade soaps are made with only 40-60% soap, leaving more room to add other goodies, not as drying and harsh as other commercial brands"

which kind of implies they're starting with a base and adding other things.

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I'm definitely going to buy one tomorrow and check it out. I don't think they mention their soaps are made from bases either?

I ran across this thread over on the SoapDish last night as I was searching for something else entirely:


Scroll down to Post #7. It explains that Lush's soaps are made from M&P bases. HTH!


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Doesn't look all that great to me. I'm sure I have barely skimmed the site, but the products look pretty far from natural. Even the packaging doesn't give a natural feel - so I hope that's not what they are going for.

k-mart with a huge price tag is what it looks like to me...

My two cents.


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I'm not into the "all natural" thing so that doesn't concern me. But the products and the scents are pretty novel compared to most stuff that's available, and the scents are AMAZING (IMHO) and impactful. Yup, they are pricey - but they are a special treat for me. Don't knock them till you've tried them - really you might be surprised. I'd share from my stash, but I am too selfish and greedy.

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I'm not into the "all natural" thing so that doesn't concern me. But the products and the scents are pretty novel compared to most stuff that's available, and the scents are AMAZING (IMHO) and impactful. Yup, they are pricey - but they are a special treat for me. Don't knock them till you've tried them - really you might be surprised. I'd share from my stash, but I am too selfish and greedy.

To each his own. And you're right, I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I'll give it a sniff in a couple of weeks. I'm going to a shop that wants to carry my products that is on the floor above a Lush in a mall. I'll stop by and check out the competition in real life - still don't think I'll buy though. I have a hard time buying stuff when I'm pretty pleased with my own.


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Can you add oils to M&P?
Actually I wondered about that too. I mean, I know you can add oils and other supplements to your M&P, but there is a limit to how much you can add in. Their soaps are supposedly only 40-60% soap and the rest is the extra stuff, and that seems like a lot of extra stuff.
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To each his own. And you're right, I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I'll give it a sniff in a couple of weeks. I'm going to a shop that wants to carry my products that is on the floor above a Lush in a mall. I'll stop by and check out the competition in real life - still don't think I'll buy though. I have a hard time buying stuff when I'm pretty pleased with my own.


Actually I like the way my skin reacts to CP/HP soaps a lot better (but wish I could get the fragrance "impact" they do) but I love their bath melts and bombs, and solid lotion bars. You will find that they will indeed appeal to a very different crowd than genuinely hand-crafted products do, so I think that store's products and yours could complement each other nicely rather than actually compete directly. It's great yours are doing so well - it's fabulous actually (jealousy here LOL).

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Oh don't be too jealous! I haven't decided if I want to do business with these folks yet... I'm not doing that well, but I think I've gotten a good start.

To be honest I guess I just have a bit of sour grapes about LUSH - because when this store contacted me they said "lush this and lush that" even though they know I am pretty far removed from lush in about everyway. This store wants me to make bath fizzies like lush, and sell my body butter as well. I don't make them because in my demographic (this store is a ways away in the big city and I'm in a farming community) people aren't into baths. They are shower people. Maybe I'll have to try my hand at them anyhow. It's always fun to experiment!


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There is an art to the adding of things to MP soap. You learn as you experiment that some things kill lather, others enhance it, just like making CP soap or any other type of recipe, you add, you experiement, you subtract you change. I could definately see a 60% soap, and 40% other stuff combination working with MP. I think the "Everything But the Kitchen Sink" MP Soap Swap killed the myth about oils and butters killing lather for a few people! I wish everyone who is interested in MP soap could experience those bars so they could see that it's not always the case! I can also see how this theory was born... I've made some humdinger batches of MP that wouldn't lather to save my soul, but I quickly learned what NOT to do there too!

Lush obviously has some fantastic recipes, and they have learned some of the mysterious secrets of MP soaping that we are all trying to unravel..

MP Soap~~ it's not just for the non-adventurous or lye fearing newbies anymore!! :yay:

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