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Yucky Wicks.. TOP ... HELP ME PLEASE!!

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Okay... after 2 years of testing to find the perfect combination, I have now run into something I have never seen before. I have been using zinc wicks in my parasoy blend with huge success until this! I have been using wicks from Bittercreek and Peaks. When I burn the candle, it looks like the wick is sloughing off something. It literally looks like little globs of lint with a soot discoloration. I have pulled it out of the jar and it looks and feels like wax. Here is my question: is it possible that the wax that was used to prime these particular wicks is a higher mp than what is normally used. There does not appear to be any fibers attached.. just wax when I rub it between my fingers. As the candle burns you can watch the "wax flakes" fall off or slough off the wick.. When you look at my candle that has been burning for a couple of hours, it looks like someone blew their nose into my candle and the soot attached itself to it.. Has anyone seen this before? It really does look like it is the wax that primed the wick is just too high of a melt point so once it hits the cooler melt pool it re-solidifies.. any thoughts?? I have thrown away all my wicks and am having to stick with one company so I can narrow down a future problem to one supplier. Thanks for any input!

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I've been watching this thread. Sorry I'm no help as I no longer use zinc wicks, but have you tried any other wicks? Perhaps the cds? I'm curious as to what is causing this. I know that most wicks are coated with a higher melt point wax, except perhaps the wicks that are made especially for soy. Could there be something different about the wax itself? Very puzzling!


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I am on duty for 24 hours until tomorrow morning.. For now, how can I better explain this.. okay.. as soon as I light the wick.. the wax slowly melts. As a little pool starts, you can actuall see small "flakes" slough off the wick. The burn is fine.. the throw is great.. it just looks like hell.. When you look at the normal 1/2 " melt pool (few hours).. it looks like a collection of snow flake sized wax flakes (now soot colored) floating in the melt pool. The only thing I did differently to this batch is I added UV inhibitor.. nothing different.. I have several candles in this batch that did this.. I will try to get a pic posted if I can.. Thanks Top and all that attempted to answer this without any pics to help you! I have been making candles for 2 and 1/2 years and this is the first time I have seen this.. it is really weird! I have not had this problem since I purchased all new wicks from Peaks. Thanks!


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Yeah.. I have to agree.. that is why I figured that I could not risk this happening again... how the heck would you explain sooty snot in your candles??? Thanks for the help.. I am just going to stick with Peaks wicks and see if if happens again..

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