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? about yahoo & godaddy

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I have a very rudimentary ability at web design. I have golive and with paypal can do all my web work that is satisfactory for me.

I use godaddy and have been happy with them except for one thing and that is the mail allotment you are given. It is only 10mb of space which sucks real bad when attachments get added. YOu get a bunch of email addies you can create, but each is only 10mb. It cost to have more space per month from them.

But, Google has a new beta email package that you can sign up for and can use this for emails that you will be sending or recieving a large amount of atachments.

Yahoo is priced a little more than godaddy and that is why i go with godaddy.

However, i do not agressively pursue the internet as a sales method to the world. IE, I if I were looking to advertise with search engines I would highly consider Yahoo because they now own the old Overture system which is pretty powerful for search engines as well as their own. If you have a Yahoo hosting plan you get a discount on advertising through yahoo which may easily offset the $24 a year you save with godaddy.

Also, I'd check the email thing out because the ease of having one email place to go is a nice feature, though I kinda like godaddy making me clean my box out more.

hope it helps and best wishes


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I have my domain names with Godaddy and my hosting with aqhost.com. I started out with Godaddy for hosting and found that their servers sometimes have issues with the free carts like ZenCart and osCommerce so if you are planning on installing a shopping cart I'd think twice about them.

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Thanks so much for you all help. I have been researching and was told about WahmShoppes.com (which is $7) and lowesthosting (which is $4.95) lowesthosting has a free shooping cart. Now I am really torn this website stuff is so confusing. Thanks

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If you want a really good webhosting and web design......I strongly recommend vodahost.com. There rates are very cheap and they have an awesome support staff and forum with lots of help.

I have been wanting to get my website up for over a year but didn't want to pay a lot of money to have someone design it for me and then there was the issue of finding someone to host it for me.......I happened to stumble across vodahost and found myself building my own site......if I can do it.....anyone can! You can use their prebuilt templates or design your own.....I designed my own.....check it out.....www.greatcandlesbymary.com

I only pay $7.50/mo for hosting and that included my domain name, set up fee....everything!

As far as godaddy......I'd never recommend them! I use to have my domain as cre8tivelegance.com which is my business name and they never notified me of my experation and they ended up buying up my domain and now if I want it.....I have to pay an outrageous price for it! That really ticked me off.

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I checked out your website and it is so professional looking. Y ou did a great job. I also looked at vodahost. I might try them out. Do they a have a shopping cart or do I have to get one? That was wrong for them to buy your domain. Thanks for telling me about vodahost.

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As far as godaddy......I'd never recommend them! I use to have my domain as cre8tivelegance.com which is my business name and they never notified me of my experation and they ended up buying up my domain and now if I want it.....I have to pay an outrageous price for it! That really ticked me off.

I had the opposite problem. They automatically renewed for me and billed my credit card. That's fine except they renewed it for the 'default' period which wasn't what I wanted as that wasn't the best deal. I managed to get it changed over to what I wanted but only going forward and not retroactively, so now the expiration for the domain name and the hosting are out of sync which is a minor nuisance as I would prefer to renew them together. Other than that, I have not really had any major problems with them. I haven't tried yahoo's services so can't really make a comparison.
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As far as godaddy......I'd never recommend them! I use to have my domain as cre8tivelegance.com which is my business name and they never notified me of my experation and they ended up buying up my domain and now if I want it.....I have to pay an outrageous price for it! That really ticked me off.

Are you sure their renewal e-mails didn't get sent to a junk or incorrect addy?

I've had 4 domains with them for several years, and when they are up for renewal I get so many e-mails it's not even funny. 90 days....60 days....30 days....14 day.......etc.

I love GoDaddy.

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I never got one email from them......I don't know if I fell through the cracks or what but I wasn't very happy with the whole experience! I guess I have to take some responsibility in having my own system for checking when my renewals are up......I now have that in place with my new name.

As far as vodahost.....what's great about them is they have free download in web building software. You can build your website before purchasing anything from them. The catch is, you can't use their web building for any other hosting company. In other words, you build your website and then before you can publish it, you have to purchase their hosting services. But like I stated earlier, it's really cheap and it includes your domain name, setup, etc.

As far as shopping carts go.....yes, they have everything you need to run your site. You have to provide your own gateway tho.....in which I'm using paypal.....it's free. (their are a few other ones out there that are free as well) You are only charged by paypal when someone purchases but even at that, it's inexpensive. i.e. on a $100 purchase, I owe paypal $3.20. I didn't use vodahost shopping cart because paypal offered one for free and it was easier to use theirs as I didn't have to integrate vodahosts shopping into paypal. But even at that, it's not hard to do with vodahost.

I highly recommend vodahost.com because as "website challenged" as I was, they helped me with all my problems in building my website. They have an awesome support forum. The other real cool thing they offer is fantastic stats about your website! You can see everything you want to know about your hits on your website.

LOL.......I sound like a commercial......but really, for the money, they are well worth it. If you want more info, you can pm me and I'll help you with whatever I have learned.

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  • 2 months later...

Macy, I also use VodaHost. I had lowesthosting.com and could not figure out how to set up a shopping cart. When I decided to change, I read about VodaHost on this forum, as well as other web hosting companies. What I like so much about VodaHost is that you can download BlueVoda, there web-building software without signing up (you can't publish without an account). It was super easy to build my website and incorporate Mal's shopping cart with my site.

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VodaHost here as well. I love that they have forums to ask questions before you buy, and more to ask after! (Big Voda whore, I am - because they are cheap, fast, have lots of places for questions and two builders that allow you to design whatever, and in 4 months, I've had no noticed downtime at all.)

Short words of warning: watch out with some shopping carts included though. Some do not accept external modules or work within the site for a gateway. They basically leave it up to you to redirect once the cart is ready, to a separate site.

With some companies, you cannot use anything BUT their shopping cart, or lose the whole site, so if you find you have something you want, that it doesn't support, your SoL.

Good luck!

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