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Made cphp today! Scented it with .5 oz banana .5oz mango papaya and .7 coconut. Needed to use up some oils nad didnt want to waste any really good ones. lol Not sure if it worked well or not. I think my soap went past a few steps lol I am really confused as to wether I had a mashed potato consitancy or not. I think I did but we will see. Used tameric to color, think I used and stirred to much hopefully it will fade. Tried the zap test I think? and there wasnt a zap however it took me about 25 minutes to finally do it. I kept coming close to my tongue than chickening out. I cant wait to wake up tomorrow and unmold and show you my gross pictures lol

One question before i head to bed.............At Michaels craft store today I picked up some "Natural Soap Colorizing Powder" the ingredients is mica, titanium oxide and camine. Can I use this for hp?

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Congrats on your first batch!

The soap coloring powder from Michael's is intended for M&P soap. Carmine is not stable in cold process soap; it will morph in an alkaline environment. :) You can use it in your soap, but I'd expect it to change color unless perhaps you add it to HP after the cook, when the lye is spent. Not sure if it would hold then, but it might!

Can't wait to see your pics! :grin2:

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Thanks for the dancing baby.....if the baby saw my soap he would stop dancing immediately lol I used it thismorning and there was bubbles my skin feels clean and not totally dry and the scent totally stayed on my hands. Now the negative, I used way too much tumeric and the lather turns yellow, its a bit clumpy looking, and a tac soft but its only been 9 hours so I am sure it will harden a little.Here are my questions- I waited until it got mashed potato looking and plopped, literally plopped by the spoonful no pouring involved, into my mold. Maybe I waited too long, when is the earliest you can mold in cphp?Other question is I love oven process-can I still use the mini loaf molds (9 lofas to a pan) and cook it in the oven? I am figuring the mold can obviously hold hte heat because of it being cookware, but are using them safe?

I will post a pic of my ugly soap soon lol

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One more thing.....could the yellowish color in the bubbles being coming from the pam that I sprayed my mold in? I am cleaning my soap, getting the oil off and the paper towel is yellow. I used waaaayyy too much pam so I am thinking maybe its the pam and not the tumeric? Have to clean these things which I at first I was not thrilled at how the looked, texturewise, now I am kind of liking it. They are like my children lol

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Even homely beginner's soap is a lovely thing. :)

You can add 1 TBL of sugar per pound of soaping oils (dissolve it in your water BEFORE adding lye) to help increase fluidity of the batter and molding time. I take my hp soap to just barely past the gel stage or so, then mold. Don't wait much longer after gel or it just gets dry and hard. Check for zap, and as soon as it's good to go, get it quickly molded up.

To avoid clumps, pre-dissolve your powders in a tiny bit of oil, water, or glycerin (my choice) before adding to soap batter. I smoosh the powders into a dab of glycerin with a rubber spatula.


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TO answer my own question-definately too much tumeric, I washed my hands..again lol... placed the soap on a paper towel and the paper towel is red. I think I am going to have to toss this. I am sure my family doesnt want to be red when showering =o(

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I did the sugar with the water, took your advice I am going to have to figure out exactly what it looks like at the geling stage so I can do that next time. Still I love it. I am super proud of myself. Luckily I have 2 days off of work so I am going to find a health food store and pick up some more coconut oil, I will master this by the time I go back to work rofl

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Well, now that you have a batch under your belt, you know more what to expect next time. I love ohp, too; it's my favorite method that I've tried. You asked about cooking the soap in the mini loaf pans; that would depend upon the material the pans were made of. If they are aluminum or Teflon coated, it wouldn't work; they would need to be either glass or stainless steel, to stand up to the lye. Besides, if you did this, that would mean that you'd need to scent and color before the cook; in doing that, you lose one of the major advantages of hp. The main reason I prefer this method is that in scenting and coloring after the cook, you have more control over the finished product, with less chance of the soap seizing or morphing. Just do as AJ suggested and mold up as quickly after the gel as possible; it will be much more manageable that way.

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Thanks everyone for all your help with this. I can sometimes ask waaaay too many questions and analize everything. THANK YOU! I am now going to figure out what gel phase looks like. Hopefully there is a picture somewhere lol

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I just now realized that you said this batch was cphp, rather than ohp. I've never done cphp, but use a large, covered stainless pot and cook in the oven at 170. I set my timer for 15 minutes initially, then stir and set it for another 10-15 minutes, then 5 minute increments after that. By checking it periodically like this, you can easily see when it is going through gel (transparent stage), so you don't risk overcooking it. I use 1.75#-2.5# oil batches (depending on mold), and my batches usually have a total cooking time of 30-45 minutes.

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