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Lx wicks

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Does anyone know what size LX is equivalent to a CD 12 and a CD 18? Those are the two sizes I use for tins and my jars I wanted to try an LX out. I didn't want to waste one by guessing. I know a lot of you use the LX's.

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I was just going to test it on a 6oz tin for now which I generally use the CD18. I want to see how the wick burns. The CD12's are for a silouette retangular jar by anchor hocking. I just want a round about estimate to start off with since I have tried every wick but the LX as ironic as that sounds. I use GB 415 soy no additives.

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Not sure if this will help or ot, but these are the diameter guides for LX wicks

LX8 - up to 50mm

LX10 - up to 55mm

LX12 - up to 60mm

LX14 - up to 65mm

LX16 - up to 70mm

LX18 - up to 75mm

LX20 - up to 80mm

LX21 - up to 85mm

LX22 - up to 85mm

LX24 - up to 85mm

LX26 - up to 90mm

LX28 - up to 90mm

LX30 - up to 90mm

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In thinking about this, IMO I would try the LX26 for the tin and maybe the 22 for the other but I would test the heck of that rectangular jar. If its the one I'm thinking of its a pretty high jar - and the LXs can behave a bit erratically in deep containers. That said you can fine tune the LXs between the 18, 20, 21, and 22 if you need to. This is just at looking at specs for the CD vs. LX plus a bit of experience with the LXs in soy - but I have not used your particular brand of soy. Anyway, HTH a little - maybe to get you at least started.

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