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I love the smell of Rosemary and I would like to add some leaves to my soaps. I seem to remember reading some where that Rosemary EO shouldn't be used by people with high blood pressure. Would this hold true for the herbs as well?

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Okay thank you so very much. I didn't think it would but I wanted to be safe. Now I just need to find an fo that will blend/compliment the rosemary.

I guess they were talking about ingesting the EO is all I can figure.

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Rosemary has many benefits but it can also cause problems. This is an excerpt from an article on wikipedia.com.

Health Precautions: In some cases, rosemary can cause autoimmune diseases. Rosemary in culinary or therapeutic doses is generally safe, however precaution is necessary for those displaying allergic reaction, or those prone to epileptic seizure. Rosemary essential oil is a powerful convulsant; if applied to the skin, it may cause seizures in otherwise healthy adults or children. Rosemary essential oil is potentially toxic if ingested. Large quantities of rosemary leaves can cause adverse reactions, such as coma, spasm, vomiting, and pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) that can be fatal. Avoid consuming large quantities of rosemary if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Here's a link to the whole article.


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