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Paypal fees

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I am almost finished with my website, just need to finish weighing my products to get the shipping set right.

Anyways, what do you do about paypal fees if they pay with credit/debit card? I hate to eat those, because I got two orders from friends, and they used credit or debit and I lost over 2.00 already on those two orders. I know some people don't like to use their personal accounts and I don't either, but I can't eat all these fees.

Is there anyway around this?


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nope, there sure isn't......

U can have basic paypal and only have paypal transfers that's it...and there's alot of shoppers out there with their credit cards and that basic account won't accept credit cards and you'll loose customers.

so in order to accept those with credit cards is to have business account and in order to have business account and accept CC is to have $$ taken out.

it's processing fee....it cost money to process credit cards payments.

Sorry but it's how it work...


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This is basically part of your overhead costs. Along with electricity, storage, water, etc., regular charges like these get factored into my pricing. I admit I always hate it when people say take your costs, then double for wholesale and double again for retail, because that leaves out SOOO many factors that very probably will make or break your business once you start to go big time. I can guarantee you'll definitely need to accept credit cards though. You'll lose a lot of customers if you only accept paypal.

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I don't like paying those credit card fees either, but compared to other fees you have to pay, such as business license and insurance and so on, the credit card fee is actually the least of it. Like Lindsay said, it's all part of your overhead, and these costs are all part and parcel of doing business.

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