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How much colorant?

Guest DeeDee

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Guest DeeDee

I've tried to search- but I can't seem to find a "starting point" for about how much colorant to add. I just got my delayed Valentine's gift today (4 soap colors!)- but I don't know how much to put in when I play tomorrow.

Can someone give me a rough idea? I've been making 2 lb batches. I think they are all oxide powders.


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From what I found at a suppliers site, start with a 1/4 tsp ppd of soap and add can add more for intensity. Add colorant to a little of your oils from your recipe. I found this doing a search, maybe someone with experience can help you better.

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I have gotten great results from WSP's blue, green, and violet oxides, but the pink takes a bit more. For a great pink, I would use Bittercreek's geltones. I have also played with a few mica's, but they tend to morph!

I usually start out with 1/4 tsp or a little less, especially with the blues and greens.


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What color are the 4 powders? If they are shades of pink, bright blue, or violet/purple, they could well be ultramarines rather than oxides. My experience with UM's is that you need more of those to achieve good color than you do with oxides. Using too little UM violet, for example, will result in a dingy grayish purple.

If the colors you have are earthy brown, yellow, orange, or brick red, or they're black, or green, they're probably oxides. White powder would be TD (titanium dioxide).

I use the tiny scoops (I think Bramble Berry has them) for measuring out oxides and UM's because I often use them to color only a small portion of my soap batter (for a swirl) rather than coloring the whole batch. My usage rate varies but I start w/ 1-2 scoops per cup of soap batter when using oxides. Double that for UM's. I premix my powders into a dab of glycerin so there won't be any powder specks in the finished soap.

hth! Happy soaping! :)

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Guest DeeDee

Three are oxides- green, yellow, and red. The other one is a blue ultramarine. Thanks again for all of the advice. The only color I've tried before is food coloring. I was waiting a while to buy some color- but I sure was glad to get such a nice gift! He bought me 8 oz tubs, and it looked like a lot- but I didn't have any idea about how much to start with. Thanks- I'm anxious to try it out!

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Guest DeeDee

I know- it sure looked like A LOT! I don't think he really knew what he was getting- he's never even seen me make soap or candles. I am happy though- they don't go bad, right?

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