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Craft show pics


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OK, I did a craft show last weekend & figured I would show my display pics. This was my 1st "real big" craft show....I've done them at the ball park & stuff like that, but this was SUPPOSED to be a big craft show. It was no where near a good turn out, but I did make a small profit so I better not complain!LOL! Anyways*Here is a pic of my display plus one w/ my daughter(she insisted!LOL!) Thanks for looking y'all. I would love any & all feedback(good or bad) about my display because I do plan on doing more craft shows this year. Thx & hugz~

P.S. Sorry the pics are blurry, camera is on the fritz



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Thx Lorrie, I want to make sure it's not to much or anything like that. Yeah, my daughter loves to pose for the camera. I can't take any pics w/ out having to take one of her!LOL! Thx again~

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Well, I'm going to give my VERY humble opinion.....and I really mean everything with the best intent! I give the disclaimer since, as we all know, sometimes reading words don't convey the true thought.

First...your daughter is ADORABLE!!

Now....in my opinion, your table has too much on it, it looks cluttered to me, especially since everthing is basically the same size and shape....and it looks like soldiers marching in a row. Don't put everything on the table...have some things tucked away under the table to replace when sales happen. Have differing heights....and some empty spaces on the table so the eye can scan over...and then lock on to the next thing. Does that make sense? And all your product is the same size and shape...very un-appealing to the eye, even though the colors of the candles are great. I went to your website and you have all these wonderful pottery pieces and the uber-cute baby bottle candles....those would make a definate difference. Since they are differently shaped, the eye would get pulled in to the table.

Again....just my opinion!

I'll be back in my corner now.


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Donna, that's kinda what I was worried about....There are 3 different sizes there, plus smelly jellies, but they seem to look alike(besides the color!LOL!) Everybody has different likes & all so that's why I like to get other peeps opinions. I do appreciate all input. Thx again~

ForHisGlory, thx so much & yes my daughter thinks she owns the co. too!LOL! That's cool...She's an awesome help! Thank you~

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I agree -- the display doesn't grab me -- my initial thought is a crafty hobbyist that isn't too serious. Wouldn't make me want to stop & find out how well the candles are made. I can't tell there are different sizes displayed, but that may be the photo. I'm truly not trying to be ugly -- just initial thoughts. I also took a look at your website & think it looks great. You have far more talent than your table shows. Displays are hard to perfect, so just work on it & ask friends to help. Also, your daughter is a total cutie-patootie -- I love the hand on the hip pose.


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I agree with Angel. The table looks too busy. Every year we go to the fair and there is this guy that has so much stuff on his table that you can hardly pick up a candle w/out touching or knocking another candle off or over. It makes me almost nervious. I did look at your website and you have done a great job with it. I think if you would include some of the crocks and other items you have on your website that would be nice also. Especially the crocks they would add some other texture looking items and interest. A lady told me one time at a retail store, not to put like 4 or 5 of the same items out, because people see the items and think, well - they have 4 or 5 left and I will just come back and then they don't. I am not saying only put out 1 item on the candles, I just think maybe 3 of them and then re-stock. Just suggestion. I think maybe putting the tarts in a basket, it seems to me that lady's love going thru baskets, don't know why, but I do that also, if there is a basket and something is in it, I want to see what is in the basket. Good luck selling.

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The important thing is you made a profit, so you know you're doing something right.

My only suggestion is that you might organize according to color, row by row. Take advantage of Yankee's marketing strategies. They organize their candles (horizontally) from light to dark--white, yellow, orange, pink, red, green, blue, purple, black.

That layout allows the eye to flow smoothly over the merchandise, not dart all over the place, possibly overlooking the one shade (or scent) they were hoping to find.

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Susan & Melinda777, I do think my crappy pic has alot to do w/ how my display is coming off, but it is also pretty clear how I put it together. Thank y'all so much for the input. I am glad to know everyones opinions & definitely take them into consideration. Thx again~

sockmonkey, I never noticed that about the Yankee candles, but it does make sense. Thank you so much~

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Very nice display!! I've always been reluctant to tier my displays like you have it. Mostly because I think customers, as they open and smell, will likely toplle things over. Have you had this happen to you. I'm curious how well it works like that.

Again, VERY nice display!!

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Thank you daddybird. Actually, the only problem I had was this boy opened a smelly jelly & turned it on it's side to put the lid back on & the crystals went everywhere.(but it sure did smell good!LOL!) Nope, there was no problem of anything falling over or off or anything like that. My hubby made the boards a little wider just for that. Thx again & HTH~

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Guest EMercier

Nice colors. I would have to say that it does look a bit cluttered to me. I've learned in marketing and from others have too much, people would rather take nothing. Face it, I'm a lazy consumer at times. I don't know how many scents you take with you, but I only take like 8 popular scents and I'm thinking about changing my display because putting it together and taking it down it a pain in the tail. Anyway, with the 8, I normally have 8 rows and each row has everything I make in that scent. So I have a 16 oz mason, 8 oz mason, flowerpot, clamshells, and 6 pack tealights. I believe I've created a "store-like" look. I didn't want people to ask if that was my last one. I put everything out, but I have extras and when I get a chance and I see things are running low, I refill. If you want a pic, just PM me. I might have posted on here as well.

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