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Wierd MP story


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OK SO I bought soap chip dyes from BCN. I used it in thier MP base and they worked great! Then I wanted to make a loofah peppermint foot soap so grabbed a MP clear soap that I bought from WhoesaleSupplies Plus it's the crafters choice base. So I melted the soap and added some glycerin then added a small chip from the dye package........nothing..... the dye just stayed there in original shape and wouldn't disolve into the soap! Why would this happen? Could this mean there is something not so good with the crafters choice soap? I have never seen MP dye not dissolve in MP!

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It's definately dye chips specifically for MP soaps. Just bought it and got it yesterday. I just made more soap and used the dye chip and it didn't dissolve again. I was hoping the chips would work........hubby said I can't use liquid dyes anymore lol I seem to be a bit messy at times lol

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I buy the soap dye chips from Glory Bee and I can see what you are saying... but I am so impatient that I didn't sit and wait for it to dissolve.. I knew it needed to melt- and sometimes it will take a while for the dye chip to catch up to the temperature of the soap base. Also, they are harder than the soap base it's self so they would naturally (i think, lol) take more time to melt. I stabbed mine with a the skinny end of my metal chopstick and stir stir stir stir stir.... while still over the heat.:)

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