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CRACKED DRY HANDS, FEET...this is a miracle product!

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Funkymonkey66 posted about having dry, cracked hands and I found the PERFECT product as my heels were SO bad I was embarassed to get a pedicure. It's called Zims CRACK Creme and its a herbal formula, may not smell all that great, BUT it definitely works as after 2 applications my heels are nice and smooth, no cracks!!! Here's the bottles description: A Miraculous herbal formula that softens, conditions, and moisturizes dry cracked thickened skin on fingers, hands, feet and elbows. The ingredients are: Glycerine, SDA-3C, Alcohol, Delonized Water, Arnica Extract, and Myrcia Oil. I tried shea butter and it just didn't help enough. I HIGHLY recommend it!!! After my bath at night I rubbed it into my heels & feet put on some house socks til bedtime (I can't sleep with hot feet), and now have nice soft feet and heels. It's kind of watery but it works!!!



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I got mine on Clearance somewhere, and yes it's Zims. I bought it for the name... lol. My daughter is a Zim nut! ( weird and oft very funny space alien kid cartoon on one of the cable channels. His robot in a dog costume named 'Grr' is my fave, lol) Mine was in a little round blue flip top balm type tub. Not watery at all. But i'm not sure how it goes on.

I have read that Arnica is a great skin healing EO. And you don't see it in many products. I'm sure this is one of the reasons it works so well.

Personally haven't used this and my daughter doesn't seem to like to have to remember to use balm enough on a regular basis to know much about it , but if her lips get dry or cracked, or anything else, I insist she uses it a few times. I like my MK for amazing cracked lip healing, but like I said, bought this one for her and for the name:cheesy2:

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Arnica Montana is an herb that grows wild in the Swiss Alps. Also known simply as "Arnica," it's been used in Europe for hundreds of years for the reduction of bruising and swelling and to shorten the recovery period after physical trauma

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It's called Zims CRACK Creme and its a herbal formula, may not smell all that great, BUT it definitely works as after 2 applications my heels are nice and smooth, no cracks!!!

Couldn't we add some fo to it to make it smell better? I know that may be a dumb question, but as a fragrance addict, if it doesn't smell good, it's no fun to use ;) .

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It's called Zims CRACK Creme and its a herbal formula, may not smell all that great, BUT it definitely works as after 2 applications my heels are nice and smooth, no cracks!!!

Couldn't we add some fo to it to make it smell better? I know that may be a dumb question, but as a fragrance addict, if it doesn't smell good, it's no fun to use ;) .

It does have an herbal stink to it and yes you can add a few drops of FO, I have done it to unscented store bought lotion, that's before I started making my own. Pepermint might make it better.

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