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Candle Followers

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Thanks for looking...I did see this site...but I am looking for a 3" one that is for Pillars....:) I know they are out there...I have googled..and MSN'd it to death!! We have a Retail Store in a Mall...and I want to sell them myself...so it's hard to find them wholesale!!

Thanks again for your Efforts...I really appreciate it!!

God Bless

Joyce (David's wife and Loving it)...:):D

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I did a search on wholesale 3" candle follower and came up with a couple sites. You may have already seen them:


it says:

$8.12 each or $7.71 with $75.00 purchase or $6.90 with $300.00 purchase

These people must be distributors for several different companies. One of them is Brass by Colonial Trust and it has candle followers listed. Here is the link to the distributor. Looks like you have to call them: http://www.michigangiftmart.com/vendor_info.cqs?menuparam=vendid&vendid=95b6b1eb0b5bd83906af44620f77c681

Good luck on your search.

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  • 5 months later...

Funny how the universe responds to my interests. I recently bought a 3" candle follower at my local Michaels craft store, marked down on clearance for $2.00.

This was on the exact same day that I discovered that there was such a thing. At Micheals it was packaged as a "candle decor ring"

I found that the few pillars I did have were less than 3 inches so I substituted using the screwed part of a 2 part jelly jar lid. And to my delight it worked just fine.

I have never really cared for pillars because of the tunnelling, hugging, blowout and other issues. But as I understand it, a simple ring on the top of your candle deals with all of these problems. Who'da known?

The candle followers are classically used with beeswax pillars because of a lower melt point. Hence, most likely found in church supply stores.

Now if I could only find, say square followers or even adjustable ones. The design is really very simple and the follower itself never gets really hot.

In my opinion, a vastly underdeveloped part of the market.

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Actually BW melts at 140-149F so thats actually pretty up there - so I guess the rings can be used with any pillar wax? My understanding is that many churches use paraffin/BW blends these days - I guess it was all BW in the past. I always assumed the rings were used by the churches so any drippings would stay off the gold symbols the candles. IMHO the brass ones can look a little tacky - sorry - just my 2 cents - now that you said that they really work I wish they would sell them in other finishes.


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Yep, I have been using my 2 dollar follower on a cheap department store 3" pillar and it is working fine. It only gets as warm as the wax gets on the top outside of a burning pillar, soft enough to hug so I am assuming it is the weight of the follower that pushes the outside down. Along with a little reflected heat.

The general rule still applies about burning an hour for every inch of diameter. Now I know why those church services are so long.....lol

I have also seen them in glass online, although they are hard to find. Ceramic would do well I would think. I have been racking my brain trying to think of what household items would work. So far, all I have come up with is the ring part of a canning or jelly jar. Which is pretty much what my follower looks like except without the threads on the inside.

In true OhMYo fashion I am going to do a little experimentation. Today I am going to pour a pillar with container wax to test the concept. Oh my I can hear the gasps from all you pros.

I stand corrected on the melt point of beeswax candles, just parroting what I have read. Maybe its about the dripping. I will take pics and post later

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