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OK...tell me what I did wrong....


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So, I'm making my first CP batch, and it's a salt bar. (I know...probably not the best move!)

I get everything all going...pour the lye solution in the oils, stickblend - whir about 20-30 seconds and then stir stir stir - over and over until it was at a light trace. Poured in FO (Backwoods Sea Salt Breeze)....stickblend whir whir whir...Ladled some out to color....and encountered a CHUNK. A chunk of what, I have NO clue. :D While I was coloring....DH tried to whir back in the chunks. Poured it into the mold at a thick applesauce stage...<sigh>... plopped on the color that thickened like THAT....and then swirled it all with a bamboo skewer....encountering several CHUNKS (walnut sized too!).

What in the heck are the chunks? What'd I do wrong (so I don't do it again)? And are my salt bars salvagable??

I took pics....As soon as I figure out how, I'll post them.....


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Your first ever CP batch is a salt bar? I'd recommend backing away from the salt and starting a bit simpler...

What oils did you have in your recipe? Did you pre-melt the oils? Could be a chunk of butter.

Yup.... :D Like I said, probably not my smartest move. Hehehe.

I used 80% coconut (76 deg), 10% shea and 10% olive. Oil was all melted and at 103-ish when I added the 115-ish degree lye solution. So, it wasn't a chunk of butter....


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I no longer use the SB after adding FO if I add it at trace, it's all hand stirring from that point on.

Is this FO a problem FO?

Was the FO cold when you added it? (I've seen problem FO's added cold to the soap do some funky things)

Did you add the FO first and then stir in the salt?

What kind of salt did you use?

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I no longer use the SB after adding FO if I add it at trace, it's all hand stirring from that point on.

Is this FO a problem FO?

Was the FO cold when you added it? (I've seen problem FO's added cold to the soap do some funky things)

Did you add the FO first and then stir in the salt?

What kind of salt did you use?

Oh my....so many questions....lemme try to remember....

I don't know if this FO is a problem FO. I didn't look. :undecided

The FO was room temperature.

I added in the FO...whirred it w/ the SB for about 15 seconds...then ladled out some into a smaller dish to color. THEN I grabbed the uniodined table salt and hand stirred it into the soap.

Now that I think about it......it got the chunks immediately AFTER I put in the FO.

Any hope for the batch?

I'm off to do the first cut on them now. If it's any consolation....the batch heated up nicely and smells really good!



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It sounds like your FO made the soap rice. I looked it up for you and it is B&B safe and doesn't note anything about ricing BUT the blend is mostly florals. Florals tend to be tricky in CP soap.

I would suggest soaping at a lower temp... (about 90) and use room temp. lye. Also, stick blend until your soap is at a light trace then HAND-STIR your FO in. Stick blending can cause FO that are normally fine to have issues.

Good luck with your next batch! ;)


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Your first ever CP batch is a salt bar? I'd recommend backing away from the salt and starting a bit simpler...

What oils did you have in your recipe? Did you pre-melt the oils? Could be a chunk of butter.

Oh bullshit, my first ever CP soap was a salt bar. You go girl! :highfive:

I bet it was a combo of the salt clumping and FO ricing. I've soaped this FO super cold and it's still a fast mover for me. Congrats on your first of many!

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Oh bullshit, my first ever CP soap was a salt bar. You go girl! :highfive:

I bet it was a combo of the salt clumping and FO ricing. I've soaped this FO super cold and it's still a fast mover for me. Congrats on your first of many!

I soap this fo in cp and salt bars and never had a problem with it at all. I do tend to soap at a light trace though. When did you add the salt? If it is posted I missed it sorry. I also soap salt bars at about 85 to 90 degrees.

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Well....I have the prettiest scorched looking chunks this morning! I thought I'd snap a pic of it and share it with you. Hehehe.

So..I got the message...NO SB after FO goes in...EVER. Make salt bars w/ room temp lye and cooler oils. Check!

So...seeing the lovely brown chunks here....after cure time, should I keep this for myself or will the over fragranced chunks cause issues?




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ROFL! Beats the hell out of me! That's why I was asking. I'd be happy to send you a bar if you'd like to see it 'first hand'. Otherwise, into the trash they are going. <whispers> It's kind of hard though to put it in the trash...this being my first batch and all, I'm kind of attached. I'm sure I'll get over it though. :rolleyes:

Just in case that particular soap fairy was still hanging around today....I took it easy and stirred FO into a shower gel base! :D



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You probably don't have to toss it. Just make sure there is no zap and chop away the worse spots of brown and let it cure 2 or 3 weeks and use it for yourself.. Make sure you do save a bar or 2 and put it away after it cures so you can take it out in a year or 2 and see how far you have come in the soap world.

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