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Oatmeal, Milk & Honey


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I just started soap not that long ago, this is my 4th batch. No scent, no dye, just has ground oatmeal, goat's milk, and of course honey. Quick question...what causes the funky color? I thought I read that the milk can cause the orange color, but I added it when my lye water was fairly cool, only 4 oz. milk in the whole batch. Just curious. Thanks for looking.


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Yep it looks like the gm to me too. It should lighten as it cures and if it has a funny smell, that should also cure out. The gm and the honey will really want to heat up on you so watch for that too. Looks good. Make sure to post pictures of it out of the mold.

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Thanks guys, it didn't smell scorched to me. I mixed my lye and oils, added the gm at a really light trace and mixed some more. When I added the honey it started to change colors. I don't mind the color, think it's kind of honeyish, just thought it was wierd all of a sudden.

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Even with your GM frozen you will still get a orange color. I always soap with 100% GM stone cold frozen in all my bars and OMH is the only one that ever gets that orange. It's the honey (I use more honey than most people), but like you have seen it all turns out nice. You could use less honey if you wanted and that might help, but why? It looks nice!

I also soap with my oils at room temp because like someone else said that honey really heats things up! I had a batch that I didn't think and the oils were HOT and what a mess! Will never soap OMH with hot oils again!


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I use frozen gm and get that orange color and smell too.. but it cures out a nice light cream and the odor goes away. scent is very light but wholesome with out fragrance.

At first I was afraid of how it would smell, got kind of funky smelling as I poured it, but your right it did cure out and smells quite nice now, wholesome is a good way to put it.

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