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Container?...hot glue..stickums...

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So what happens when you get down to the bottom of a container candle and the glue starts to heat up? Does it give off any smell? Is it toxic? I realize the need for sticking the wick to the bottom of the container but wonder about the end burn. And no I have never made or even used a container candle, they are just not my thing...but I'm getting ready to give them a whirl. TIA


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So what happens when you get down to the bottom of a container candle and the glue starts to heat up? Does it give off any smell? Is it toxic? I realize the need for sticking the wick to the bottom of the container but wonder about the end burn. Janette

Hi Janette,

I have used Glue Dots, when I could get them to stick, Millcreeks stickems (not sure what they are called:o ) and Silicone. I have purposely burnt my containers clear to the bottom until the candle actually goes out b/c there is no wick left to burn and have not noticed a difference in scent or soot. I use high temp glue and the tabs stay put, so far...As far as toxicity is concerned I can't answer that one. You need to ask someone that has more smart pills than I do. :D

Hth and good luck with your venture.

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I started with a glue gun and stuck my wicks to the container.. but had them start coming loose with the heat and the wicks sliding sideways. Now I use The Candlemakers Store stickums.. and they are great. Only way to get then loose is warm the jar and then spray with 409.. after a min they can be scraped loose.

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If you use the industry standard 'height of neck' wick tab (I believe 6mm) it shouldn't be an issue unless you have overwicked and have too deep of a melt pool causing the adhesive to come loose - some manufacturers even offer a 10mm tall neck). I am currently using hot glue to attach my wicks with either a 6mm or 10mm neck.

Of course I could be wrong as I often am :grin2: , but if you have the correct wick/fo load and have tested your wax/fo and wick combo to the bottom of the jar, your melt pool should not get deeper than 1/2 inch during a regular 4 hour burn (marathon burns are another subject).

I'm still trying to get a good depth on my 70/30 soy/para blend but am very close :D

Safety first...test test test!

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Thanks for the replies. I will start with the longer wick tabs and see how things go. I'm not sure I will ever get these to retail anyway...glassware is pricey here and not sure I will be able to come up with a marketable price in the end. I have some soy on its way to me and going to test essential oils to try and come up with a more "natural" product, but the whole glue issue has kept me from trying at all. Cheers,


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I use the high temp glue sticks with my glue gun, and I've never had a problem... I have to dig the glue and stuff out after the candle has burnt all the way down. I use a good dollop of glue on the tabs before putting them down too.



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