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how to make massage lotion candles?

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I had a home massage and the guy made his candle with EOs and soy, uncolored. It was not enough to "scent up" the room but it did provide a soft scent. He extinguished it and poured it into his hands and rubbed it onto my back. It was a bit too much moisture for my skin, but it was not as horrible as people claim it to be, or hot. Hell, the melt point of my parasoy is like 114 degrees or something and a hot tub is usually around 98 - 102. In the right hands, I think it's fine--and in my boyfriend's hands, it's great (just kidding).

This debate is similar to a political debate--never ending.

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  • 3 months later...

I am so glad that someone else agrees that it is not the normal candle. It should be used by mature adults only. I've tried it and so have a few of my friends and we had no complications. I have sensitive skin and it did not irritate me.

Hi... I am a new member here:grin2: , and this post caught my attention. Massage candles are body safe if you know what to put in them, and formulate the right recipe. A massage candle should NOT have any kind of dye added to it. Soy wax should not be your main ingredient, because then... it would be just a "candle". If any fragrance oil is used, it should be a small amount, and should be considered body safe. I have been working on making a massage candle for months now, and I finally formulated the right recipe. I do not add any dyes to my candle and I only add safe amounts of body safe fragrance oils. I use a very small amount of soy wax to my massage candles, cause I find too much beeswax makes the liquid pool of massage oil burn too hot. The soy makes it burn much, much, cooler. The tempature of the liquid should only be a few degrees higher than your body tempature. I also find that too much beeswax makes the product feel "heavy" on your skin. A fine quality oil, like almond oil, grapeseed, hempseed, or jojoba, and hard butters should be added to your recipe. I always add instructions with my candle, emphasizing on only burning the candle for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to EXTINGUISH THE FLAME. After a few seconds, you either dip your fingers or pour a SMALL AMOUNT in the palm of your hand. You don't need much, cause a little goes a long way. Some people ask why doesn't the massage candle smell... because it's not meant to smell as it's burning... it is not formulated like a home candle. It's a candle for your skin. As you are rubbing the massage oil into your skin, that is when you can smell the fragrance. Essential oils are the best to use in massage candles. As of right now, I am testing my candles. I'm getting positive feedback on fragrance, and the feel of the WARM oil on your skin. Massage candles should not burn hot... if it's hot on your skin... it's NOT a massage candle. I find it works best on ragged cuticles (mine are horrible!), and it's good for a couples massage...
(like if your hubby had a hard day at work and needs a good neck rub, one of these massage candles scented in essential oil of lavender would work wonders). When I read about that poor person who got blisters from a massage therapist pouring hot wax on her..... OUCH... that must have hurt!! Poor thing!!! That was not a massage candle!!

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I agree! I've tried it and it's harmless. My boyfriend thought it was great, as well. My co-workers liked the way their experience turned out too.

I had a home massage and the guy made his candle with EOs and soy, uncolored. It was not enough to "scent up" the room but it did provide a soft scent. He extinguished it and poured it into his hands and rubbed it onto my back. It was a bit too much moisture for my skin, but it was not as horrible as people claim it to be, or hot. Hell, the melt point of my parasoy is like 114 degrees or something and a hot tub is usually around 98 - 102. In the right hands, I think it's fine--and in my boyfriend's hands, it's great (just kidding).

This debate is similar to a political debate--never ending.

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I REALLY like the sound of yours. I made a balm a couple of months ago using beeswax, oils, lanolin & EO's. Today out of curiosity, I melted a bit of it in a tart warmer, and tried rubbing it in. Felt really good. I also get these really deep, painful cracks on my fingertips, and have 1 on my thumb now. I dipped my thumb several times, letting it cool between applications, and left the balm on my thumb for about 20 mins, then rubbed it into the rest of my hands. The dried skin around the crack has completely softened up, something which never happened from regular and frequent applications of the same balm, as well as other creams I have used. I can see mine as being a fire hazard, being beeswax and oils inches above an open flame, but the flame was put out a few minutes after everything melted, and the melted balm stayed melted for a little bit after that.

It is a pity that the insurance companies are making so many lives a misery, when the main responsibility should fall on the consumer. I know that dangerous candles are made, and do cause fires, but so many more fires and accidents are caused by the stupidity of the consumer. If every dangerous substance was removed from the home, we wouldn't have any homes, or any lives either, since water can kill as well, and I'm sure that most food can kill you if ingested in sufficient quantity. There are still constant fires caused by overheated fat, amateur wiring, neglected candles, dried out Christmas trees, as well as all the accidents caused by household poisons, water in bathtubs, falling in bathtubs etc etc etc..., yet as far as I know the makers of cooking oils, stoves, old wires and Christmas trees are not usually sued by the consumer. And insurance companies are a little odd at the best of times: the previous owners of our house had 2 propane appliances, a wood stove, a wood furnace and an oil furnace all hooked up to the same filthy unlined chimney. Their wiring pre-dated WWI, and we fixed all of this. Yet the same company cancelled our insurance because we had sheep (7), and maybe they would get loose, and maybe they would go on the road and maybe a car would hit them and maybe we would be sued. Go figure.

Expecting candlemakers and soapmakers to have god-knows-what insurance because many people are stupid and ignorant just seems to me to be targeting the wrong people. Yes I do have insurance and always will as long as I am in business, but I just feel that the consumer has a reponsibility too, to become informed about the product they are buying. And the courts who are awarding damages to people who bring in all these trumped up cases should be sued.

I agree 100%!!! Of all things to complain about. When all anything really takes is some common sense. The candles would be and should be for ADULTS ONLY and that should not even be an issue. I feel that regular candles that do get hot and are used to decorate a home can cause many dangers, such as house fires, kids may get burned, and so on... There are so many ways that products are used that we wouldn't believe that we use in some kind of form or way. I also think that now days just about everything has a side effect. I'm not looking for one but have the government ever been wrong???? When something new comes out (in which I've been using them since 2003) people always have to object to the idea, when in all actuallity everyone has a choice. It's like if a person have a question or idea, if someone is not interested then keep all your sarcasism to yourself and move on. I think it is a great ideal for the mature adults that would like to use them.

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The only thing I have against "lotion candles" are the people who make them and don't label them like cosmetics. If you make them, follow the FDA rules. The people I usually see "breaking the rules" are chandlers who don't know anything about cosmetics and labeling requirements.

Make a good blend, label it properly - go for it.

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It's like if a person have a question or idea, if someone is not interested then keep all your sarcasism to yourself and move on. I think it is a great ideal for the mature adults that would like to use them.

I'm sure everyone understands by now just how much you love them, how much your boyfriend loves them, even family and co-workers. Since this is an open forum, you have the right to say how much everyone loves them a hundred more times. On the same token, everyone else has a right to express thier opinion as well. Whether it agrees or disagrees. I'm not sure where the sarcasm was, maybe I missed that post. Many people here feel it's a good idea to point out safety issues. Maybe you have perfect "common sense", but not everyone does, especially people new to making candles. We get new people in here asking if they can scent thier candles with real perfume, let alone have any idea if the FO they're looking at is skin safe or not. Many people just pop in, think "what a neat idea" and decide to try it. (that goes for other candles as well). Opinions added on this post are not just for you, but anyone who may happen to read it and if some them make even one person think that they might need to do some serious research before just tossing one together and causing an injury, then it's all worth it. JMO :)

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Wow Breanna,

Thank God you wern't burned worse.

Did the lady even ask you if it was ok to pour that on you?

Man....Glad your ok.

Sorry I am late in answering this,,,NO she didnt tell me she was going to do this,,,my Doctor treated me and it has left a scar on my back...

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I understand this forum is not just for me and that other people are allowed to make their comments. I've gotten some interested inquiries and some where people are against lotion candles. I am sad to here about the incident where someone got burned but these candles are on the market and they are safe. Someone went as far as if a child sees an adult using one. I remember as a child I used a regular candle and liked to see the wax melt. Not that I was allowed but I did. It is to be used for adults and just like anything other household content you must take precautions. I just did not make this up and decided that I wanted to make them. I am still researching to make sure that I make them correct. Whatever I decide to do, I am one that has to be perfect. Anyhow, here is another link that may be of some good use in creating lotion candles. http://www.soyspabath.com/index.htm

This is what sounds like what happened to the person that got burned. It was heated up too high.:D

I'm sure everyone understands by now just how much you love them, how much your boyfriend loves them, even family and co-workers. Since this is an open forum, you have the right to say how much everyone loves them a hundred more times. On the same token, everyone else has a right to express thier opinion as well. Whether it agrees or disagrees. I'm not sure where the sarcasm was, maybe I missed that post. Many people here feel it's a good idea to point out safety issues. Maybe you have perfect "common sense", but not everyone does, especially people new to making candles. We get new people in here asking if they can scent thier candles with real perfume, let alone have any idea if the FO they're looking at is skin safe or not. Many people just pop in, think "what a neat idea" and decide to try it. (that goes for other candles as well). Opinions added on this post are not just for you, but anyone who may happen to read it and if some them make even one person think that they might need to do some serious research before just tossing one together and causing an injury, then it's all worth it. JMO

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