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Will soaps made now be pretty in December?


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Sorry for the cross post if you are with me in other forums, but I'd like some opinions on this.

I've had a customer make a proposition I was pretty excited about, but then I got to thinking...(I do that sometimes:smiley2: )

She would like to buy 8 bars of soap a month until Christmas. She wants pay as you go Christmas gift buying. She really loves my soaps and wants to make baskets with my brochures in them and things, so this can be a really good deal for me. Problem one is the labels - you know those bars will shrink at least a little (if not a lot!) but I think I will sell them to her for a little less and give her the labels to put on herself at Christmas. But I wonder if the soap will still be pretty by then? The only soap I have had longer than six months is this HP rebatch that looks REALLY ugly because it shrunk and shriveled.

I make 100% GM CP have been soaping with at mostly 30% lye solutions (I go to 33% or 28% depending on acceleration). I use mostly micas for colors, but some labcolors, TD, and Aquamarines, teas and clays. Hope that helps.

So anyone think this is good or should I think of a better way? she has a huge family and is well known in the community so this would be really great advertising!


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Personally I wouldn't feel too comfortable giving her the labels to put on herself. Not because I don't think she'll put them on right, but because I would want to sell my soaps in their 'finished' format. As for whether they'll still look pretty in December, I guess you'll need to have experimented with each item by having it sit for so long to see if they're still okay. I think if it were me I would suggest that she set aside $x each month so that she can have the lump sum available in December to get what she needs. I would say something like, these soaps are made fresh and they would be better if used regularly instead of having them sit around for so many months.

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My guess is this is an easy way for the customer to do her gift shopping without having to spend a huge lump sum at Christmastime. Makes sense because not everyone has the discipline to save.

Perhaps you might better serve her by doing a lay-a-way plan. Allow her to pay you now (and each consecutive month), but wait to make the batches until she needs them at Christmas time. That way, you are giving (and she is getting) a fresh product.

Just another option. :smiley2:

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I agree with Empress, I think lay a way plan would be best way to go.

She can pay x amount a month til Christmas and then Order her final order

that way it's themed for Christmas and fresh and all.


Edit to say....PLUS it'd be MUCH cheaper in shipping to have it ship at one time.

rather than paying shipping every month. In long run, it'll be expensive.


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