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Soap Label Ingredients


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First, I'm not sure if this should be here or in "Business Side" but figured I'd at least start here.

Today, I picked up a bar of handmade soap at a farmers market. I believe it's CP...looks like the others that I bought and I know they're CP. Anyway, I'm sitting here smelling the soap and started to read the ingredients. All that's stated on this label is: Handmade Soap: Saponified oils of Palm, Olive and Coconut. FO, Shea Butter.

Here's my question: Is that it? That's all you have to put on labels of soap that you sell to the public? I know there's lye in there somewhere only because of what I've read here (CT)...and possibly other ingredients. I don't do CP so I'm not sure what else should be on the label. I do MP and I not only list all the ingredients in the base, but what I add to it? Am I taking the long way on my labels? Can I just state: Ingredients: MP and whatever I feel like adding, Fragrance.

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You do not HAVE to list ingredients on soap. It is not required like other products. If you do list them though, I would use proper terms.

Saponified means that the oils have been turned into soap... that is the way that it is listed because there is no lye left in the soap when it is made properly.

If you are listing for M&P, I would do it like you are.. listing all of the ingredients in the base.



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You do not HAVE to list ingredients on soap. It is not required like other products. Jennifer

Really!? I didn't know that. Does that apply to handmade bar soap only? I wrap mine in a really nice rice paper and then slap that label on the back. I'll skip that step if it's not necessary (running to the bathroom to check my unopened bar of safeguard to read the label).

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(running to the bathroom to check my unopened bar of safeguard to read the label).

Well...the only thing safeguard lists is Triclocarban as an "active" ingredient which is only an antibacterial additive. Funny how I've never noticed or paid attention to this type of stuff till I started making it and reading so much here.

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It is true you do not have to list ingriedents but I always do because of allergies and skin problems. I do not want an unhappy customer complaining to others that the soap makes her itch or break out due to some ingredient in it that they may be allergic to. But if a customer is aware of what is in it then they will know what to stay away from. I also feel it is more professional to have a nice looking label on it.

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Thanks for your replies. I immediately became excited about eliminating a labeling step..it's sooo time consuming because I print and cut all of my labels. But you're right, I definitely don't want to sell customers something that may have an ingredient that triggers an allergic reaction.

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I believe (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that if it is real soap you don't have to list the ingredients. If you look on a package of ivory there is nothing (at least last time I checked) but if it makes some kind of claim like "deoderant" "acne soap", etc. like most commercial bars do you do have to list all the ingredients because then it is a cosmetic. Being that most bars in the store are detergents they have a mile long list of stuff I don't even recognize anyway.

I do list all my ingredients - I even put the sodium hydroxide there but have been contemplating listing the oils as saponified instead.


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I believe (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that if it is real soap you don't have to list the ingredients. If you look on a package of ivory there is nothing (at least last time I checked) but if it makes some kind of claim like "deoderant" "acne soap", etc. like most commercial bars do you do have to list all the ingredients because then it is a cosmetic. Being that most bars in the store are detergents they have a mile long list of stuff I don't even recognize anyway.

I do list all my ingredients - I even put the sodium hydroxide there but have been contemplating listing the oils as saponified instead.


Yes on the "actives", but without those even the "detergent" bars don't have to list their ingredients if they don't want to - but that would not be smart IMHO, and those companies are savvy. Besides, you still need to put your other info like company name and location and contact info...

And I believe if you list any ingredients you have to list them all - but that could be totally and completely wrong as I have no idea why I think that!

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