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How many people DON'T dye their candles? I've read where Ecosoya 135 is great with scent throws but bad with frosting. Am I reading right? I am waiting on my wax now to arrive, but was doing some searching on info before i actually test. I'm more concerned about scent throws rather then appearance. How many of you just leave the dye out? Do your customers like it? I am no where close to selling, but just wondering. Does this wax have an off white appearance?

I appreciate any info..

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I haven't dyed my candles now for a good 5 years. No one seems to have a problem with it. As a matter of fact most like it b/c the candle will go in any room and look nice. They don't have to worry about matching the color of the candle with the color of their room. HTH Cindy/WI

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I use Ecosoya 135 & don't usually dye it, works just fine for me.

On the occasions when I do dye it it's just for my own experimenting & it doesn't worry me if it has a bit of frost. However I am getting a little frostop to try out in case I decide to produce a dyed range in the future.


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Alot of customers like a dye-free candle ... it denotes that there is less chemical in the candle, therefore, better air quality.

Customer's always tell me that they like to buy soy candles because they are "pure", so, the absence of color dye goes right along with their thinking.

To each their own ... personally, I like a 50/50 para-soy blend and color is fine (as long as it doesn't clog my wick). As for the pure thing ... fo oil isn't pure and I add that to the wax. So ... I guess it's all just a matter of perspective.

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I actually offer both. It depends on the jar. I use the 415 and when I do color it because my candle room is a little on the chilly side to store them they frost up. So I decided to swirl them with dye. Or do chunks. Its seems to be catching peoples eyes more for those that like color. I must admit I am a naturalist myself. But when I walk into a store and se a big colorful, chunky candle I have to pick it up and smell it. Grubbies are my worst enemy, can't resist them.

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How many people DON'T dye their candles? I've read where Ecosoya 135 is great with scent throws but bad with frosting. Am I reading right? I am waiting on my wax now to arrive, but was doing some searching on info before i actually test. I'm more concerned about scent throws rather then appearance. How many of you just leave the dye out? Do your customers like it? I am no where close to selling, but just wondering. Does this wax have an off white appearance?

I appreciate any info..

Some fragrances I don't color, just because I can't relate a color to the fragrance. I also make some aromatherapy candles with pure essential oils. These don't get color.

I'd love not to color mine either. Once I standardize on a container and label (or tag) that I'm happy with, I might start eliminating color, except on request.


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I think there is an absolute market out there for dye free, pure, natural etc ... I'm making some dye-free soy containers in frosted glass and everyone seems to love them so...

imo one less ingredient to buy, one less step + one less variable = a good thing!

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I use CB135 and do not color my candles. The only time I may color is for special Holidays such as Valentines Day.

I did some this year for Valentines and colored them. I did three different colors and 1 set did frost badly! The others looked really great! I use liquid dye from Candlescience.

I prefer the natural look for soy.

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I go back and forth on this issue too. I started out dyefree, and then started coloring when I switched to the CB3 wax. It seems to no frost much with frostop added, especially when I am able to pour in a warm room without the candles cooling too fast. But lately I have been thinking about a spa line that is dye free again. I am a purist at heart.

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