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A burning question!

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Hi everyone!

I have a 'burning' question that just can't wait! I have been burning my apothecary jars and everything was going along great until I hit the 40 hr. mark! Now both the 10 oz and the 16oz jars are doing the exact same thing at the same time! The flame is dying, like it is drowning. I discovered while I was poking around that the wicks seem to be falling over. :confused:

I use IGI4786, 36-24-24Z wicks (2 wicks per jar). I have not had any problems up until the half way mark! Any suggestions?



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That happened to me when I was testing an 8OZ square mason jar. Burned excellent until about an inch and a half down then it fell over into wax. I couldn't understand why my flame had extinguished itself so I dug out a little bit and relit it and it did it again. Then I looked on the bottom and there was no wick attached. I felt stupid. I don't use apoth jars but maybe two wicks is too big. I remember a lady gave me a jar she wanted for a apple cinnamon candle I told her to give me about two weeks so I could test the jar and explained why I needed 2 weeks. I believe it was an apoth jar about 23 oz. I put two 44-24-18z in it and my melt pool was little over 1" thick and getting bigger every time I walked by. I put a 60-44-18z in it and still wasn't happy not big enough. So I researched anything bigger online and I came up with a 62 which worked well of course I use j50 for all my container candles which is softer and works well with the zinc wicks. I thought about changing my wicks but I had another chandler tell me if you have a good thing going why change it. I feel there is always room for improvement but i really don't want to test all my FOs again and again and again. My husband gets mad because I have so many candles in different rooms he says I am wasting money by burning all the candles I could be selling. I explained to him like I always do you cannot just put a wick and wax and some fragrance in a jar and sell to the public. He still don't get it and I get tired of explaining it to him. I just say whatever hmm maybe that is where my daughters get it from.

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