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Where To Buy Glass Jars In The Uk At A Reasonable Price??

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Hi there.

I'm new to this brill forum, and to candle making. :grin2:

I am thinking about making some jar candles for pressies for Mothers Day, and was wondering if anyone on here from the UK knew where i can buy some attractive jars with lids?? Having a nightmare finding any and don't have a Walmart to pop into :cry2: I lurve Walmart :P Do IKEA sell jars??

Any suggestions on which wax and wicks to start with?

You guys are the experts so I know if anyone knows, you will ;)


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Hi Anjie,


Yes Ikea sell all sorts of things you could use for making candles in.

As for good UK suppliers well they are few & far between & most have a minimum order.

Wax, wicks etc can be found on Ebay if you want smaller amounts, tho it can be pricey that way.

Also try using the search at the top of the page here, I just typed in UK suppliers & got 2 pages of info.

It may take a bit of time reading through but I know there's tons of really helpful info.

Hope all that helps.


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You could always pick some cheap glass tumblers from ikea or tescos or sainsburys or summit.

Never tried them myself (i don't do containers) but i think they'd work great, just as good as from any proper suppliers i'm sure!!!

There's some great UK suppliers for wax / wick / dye etc, but the ones i've seen don't really do much in the way of glasses!

A very long post, but quite a recent and helpful one for general UK suppliers is http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42747

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Hi Anjie

As you probably know supplies here are few and far between and the ones we have can be quite dear.

I've been testing a whole bunch of container candles I made using the Tesco value tumblers. They're burning really nice in them. You can get similar ones from ASDA, Wilkinson, etc.

As for other supplies, Sally's suggestion is a good one as lots of things UK based get discussed in those threads.


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