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Methods for testing wicks?

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I think a good place to start is to decide what type of candle you want to make and the type of wax / dye and fragrance. Most wicks have a guide as to what size and type candle they're for. If you try this recommended wick and you get a large flame / smoking etc then you probably need to try a smaller wick, wick down. If you get a tunnel / small flame then you probably need to wick up (choose a larger size).

It gets more complicated when you use things additives, and the type of FO and wax / dye can affect how well a candle burns, so remember to make notes on what you use and how well it burns.

Hope that helps

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For jar candles, I start with the recommend wick size for that jar and wax. A lot of supplier sites with give you recommendations. That is just a starting point. Start with that and go from there. With heavier FO you probably have to wick up.

Where are all the no it all's helping this newbie? Doing a search on this board leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe she can search for wicks and read for weeks and still be no where she needs to be.

Must be a PMS day here.

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If you're using soy it takes a larger wick for the same size candle made in pw, sometimes 2 sizes bigger, or more depending on your fo.

You will need to experiment with your wick sizes as some makes of wick have more than one choice for the same size candle.

Initially try testing one size candle/container style at a time as it can easily get confusing, then when you're satisfied with the results move on to the next. Before long it will get easier.

Do keep lots of notes as Scented says & above all enjoy the ride.


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Ring of Fire- You're right, I did try a search and it didn't come up with what I was looking for at all. Thanks for the help guys, now I feel like I have a good starting point. (finding the container I want and starting with the recommended wick for that size)

Sugarysweet- aha, I was wondering why you wouldn't want to just use the largest wick possible, and also why the candle I made last night has a giant smokin' flame. DUH.

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Ring of Fire- You're right, I did try a search and it didn't come up with what I was looking for at all. Thanks for the help guys, now I feel like I have a good starting point. (finding the container I want and starting with the recommended wick for that size)

Sugarysweet- aha, I was wondering why you wouldn't want to just use the largest wick possible, and also why the candle I made last night has a giant smokin' flame. DUH.

If you need any more help you can PM me. People helped me out once and I would like to return the favor. Of course, that was in the good old days and not this candle board.

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Hi starlessjade,

I'm still a newbie too but have been testing for several months now and it is very frustrating. If I would have known then what I know now I would have saved a lot of money and time. Anyhoo, here is how I do it. First I see what manuf. recommends for the jar, then do a search and try to find posts for the jar, scent and wick that has worked for someone else (hard to find). If it's a new test candle, I will place just the wick in wax (as it hardens) so I can pull it out and replace w/ different size if needed. When I think I have it right, pour a new candle w/ wick anchored to jar this time and burn completely. I have a notebook that I write everything in for each candle. Bittercreek has a great candle test sheet I print out and use. They also have info for guidelines on what to look for when burning such as melt pool, flame size, etc. HTH.

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Sugarysweet- aha, I was wondering why you wouldn't want to just use the largest wick possible, and also why the candle I made last night has a giant smokin' flame. DUH.

Don't understand what your saying? I tried to be as helpful as i could be and gave the same advice a lot of people have given me!!

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