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"Top Candle Sites" pros/cons?


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Hello, I've had my website online for about 5 months and I've been trying to find ways to boost up my ranking in the search engines and so far it's been slowing improving.

However I've noticed on other candle websites is they have links to 'vote for me' for top candle sites. Is this beneficial in any way? I was reluctant to sign up as a member at first on some of those sites because to me it just opens up a whole new door for my potential customers towards other competition. I do however like the advertising side of it as you do get more traffic to your site but I think the majority of them are looky loos anyway.Don't get me wrong, I totally support other candle sites and even voted a few. I'm just worried the customers may find these sites overwhelming as there are up to 250 craft links on some of them and then will simply give up. Am I being too negative? What are your thoughts and experiences with these top candle sites and how do you find them beneficial?

So far I've signed on a couple of them but I'm just not 'comfortable' as I don't know too much about them.

Thanks for any input!


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I am not sure how search engines view participation in these top site lists. Maybe someone who has a better understanding of search engines can comment.

I guess it's up to you whether you want to direct potential customers toward your competition. In the end it may all balance out though, if your competitors are also sending potential customers your way.

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Well when you see all of those links do really think about visiting all of those websites? I think it overloads your site with useless information anyways. There is this lady called the ecommerce diva that has a whole website devoted to increasing your traffic on your website. she has some really good info and i participated in one of her free telenars and it was great help. I reached my monthly goal two weeks after following her advice and i am going to buy one of her cd's when i get a chance.


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I don't have a site but if I did I'd wonder about sending people away from my site to another one. Especially if we were selling the same type of product. I've seen those lists and honestly, I only had the patience to click on 5-6 of the links. They were at the top of the list. No way would I scroll through a bunch of links much less waste my time clicking on them. Others may feel differently though.

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I don't have a site but if I did I'd wonder about sending people away from my site to another one. Especially if we were selling the same type of product. I've seen those lists and honestly, I only had the patience to click on 5-6 of the links. They were at the top of the list. No way would I scroll through a bunch of links much less waste my time clicking on them. Others may feel differently though.

i agree.

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