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Distilled water


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My knowledge is limited but if you are asking what it is....I beleive what you have found is more than distilled water with added fragrance.

I beleive it's more the result of a process. Rose or rosehips or the like were put into a water process that results in a rose water. It's not water with added fragrance... it's water added to and made with roses and the liquids and properties of the rose are brought into the water. It's said to be very good used directly on facial skin and I think it is not near as fragrant as you might expect. But it is a good substitute for any water that your recipie might call for. Good for a layering effect but I wouldn't use it alone instead of Fragrance if you seek a good strong scent.

I could be totally wrong though, lol. This is just what I think I've read about it, and since you didn't many responses I thought I'd take a stab at it for ya.

Good luck with it.

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Rose water does well in the body butter recipe I use water in, with no additional rose scent needed. I have not tried it in soap. The Cortas brand is fabulous and a lot of regular grocery stores sell it in their ethnic food section.

You are right Blazerina, it goes through a very carefully monitered distillation that pulls the rose fragrance into the water.

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I'm getting my products together to start my bb and other things. I plan on using this with some of the recipes I found on this board. I'm not ready to try soap yet maybe m/p at a later date. I found the rose distllate at scentsanctuary.com and they also have that foaming bath butter i read about on here. Thanks for all the help.

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I'm getting my products together to start my bb business and other things. I want to try this rose distillate on some recipes from here. I found it on scent sanctuary along with the foaming bath butter that I saw on the boards. I'm not ready to do soap yet but when I do I want to try the mp. I plan on doing some bases too. I just order the glace & lotion from ky, and lip balm base from bcn. I plan on using the recipe here next time. I also got my my eo from mystifyyoursenses.com and fo samples from gelluminations. I'm really excited about getting started.

Thank you all for your help

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