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CP supplies/equipment


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Slowly working on getting equipment and supplies to try CP soap. Saw a demo at the Chicago Conference, bought some books and am reading, reading, reading!

I have been keeping my eye out for a big ol' soaping pot, and read that stainless steel or enamelware work best. My mother gave me a whole box of her old enamelware pots, and most are in good shape, but a couple have chips out of the enamel toward the top of the pot. Is this going to be a problem? I'm a little nervous about working with the lye, and am picturing horror stories in my head about my whole pot melting away... LOL

Also, any ideas for a inexpensive (even disposable) small soap mold for about 8-10 bars? If I like it, I'll want to order some wooden molds and such, but want to wait until I try it first if possible. The demo was for CPOP, and I'd like to try that, but am worried about putting something like a cardboard box in the oven. :cheesy2:

Thanks so much! I have already read a ton on these forums, and am looking forward to getting started.

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The chips won't effect it if it's stainless steel, if not, it will react with the lye. I had no idea how to tell what is under the enamel.

Walmart has a selection of stainless steel bowls, varying in range of sizes. Kmart does too, but they are very expensive.

Cheap soap mold, empty pringle cans, 1/2 gallon milk containers, martha stewart drawer organizers (one section or 3 section), old sewing machine drawers (yard sales or auctions).

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