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HELP!!!!!! stupid salt bar question???


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I know you've already got your answer, but I just wanted to cheer you on for making a salt bar! You're gonna love it, even if you don't like it. If that makes sense, lol. It's a HUGE sense of accomplishment once you're done, no matter how it turns out, even if you find that it's not something you want to use on your skin.

You'll learn a lot about soaping & your endurance while making a salt bar, but it's loads of fun!

Enjoy & keep us updated on how it goes (with pics if possible, we love pics!)

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Thanks for the help everyone. :grin2:

Well I took them out of the mold, and so far they're good. I added coconut lime verbena F.O. and so far it smells great, I hope it stays that strong. I will defintly be posting pictures once I take the second set out of the other molds. Quick question though, how long do these usually take to cure? Is it the same as soap? and also how do you test the ph, I just ask because its such a hard bar? I had a lot of fun making it so I hope I like it when I use it so I can make a bunch more. THANKS!!!!! Samantha

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They have to cure the same as cp but I use mine after about 2 weeks. They are fine. Of course I always have to try a a few pieces after 2 or 3 days. I did the coconut lime verbana and the scent stays great in them. Don't they smell wonderful! Great choice for fo in them. I also love anything with a beach scent in them.

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