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Walmart Lg. Heart Dish - GL-70/30

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I ran a search but could not find much. Has anyone used this wax in this dish? I need a starting point for wicks. I posted on the GL board in reply to a response to my post with the same question and waiting for another response. Someone recommended the LX 18 but of course I do not have any. I have the 12's, 14's and 16's. I have a sample of the 18's, but I was wondering what other "self-trimming" wick would be comparible to the LX-18. This way I may not have to place another order. I use the Hemps in my jars but I wanted to try a self-trimming wick in this kind of open dish.

I tried two Hemp Larges (usually use these in my 10 oz. apothecaries or the mediums) in the small Michael's heart and they are a tad too big. I have the mediums but I have a feeling I may get weak flames. Sometines I run into that in-between thing. Maybe I could try my RRDs.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a starting point for the large heart dish? I am going to be wicking Sweet Pea and Me first. Thanks for any input. :)

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